Advice for Policy Development to Implement, Mainstream and Upscale Nature-based Solutions in the Nordics
A project that creates a communal research-based learning arena in aquaponics and urban cultivation for schools in Oslo with foundations in sustainability and circularity for the cities of the future.
ALGECO (Cost-effective algae technology to promote circular economy development of Norwegian wastewater treatment plants) provides a scientific blueprint for a new paradigm of bioeconomy for Norwegian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). We aim to transform municipal treated wastewater from waste into algae-based products by developing and implementing innovative, cost-effective and viable algae technologies.
AMBER pilot study
In this pilot project, we're using citizen science to gather important information about Norwegian rivers and streams.
The main project objective wss to analyze the combined effects of hydropower on the river ecosystems and develop a National methodology for classification of river sections as eligibility for the construction of HPP.
ANTIfoulants, VEterinary MediciNal Products and Organic Material can affect marine sediment organisms, but to what extent?
Arctic Wetlands Ecosystems
This Belmont Forum project addresses the challenge of building resilience in a rapidly changing Arctic. The project sheds light on human activities that affect Arctic wetland systems and local knowledge about and stewardship of wetlands.
ASEANO 2 is a regional capacity building project led by NIVA and the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies Indonesia (CSEAS), in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat. The project is under the leadership of the ASEAN sectoral body ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment (AWGCME). ASEANO2 aims to build and enhance capacity and knowledge to measure, evaluate and address plastic pollution from key terrestrial sources in the ASEAN region through improved understanding of sources, emissions, transport, and fate.
Assessment of the effects of offshore wind on seabed communities and habitats
The project will develop knowledge about the potential for ecological effects of offshore wind on benthic habitats in 17 areas identified by NVE.
In the BEDREVANN project, we will study the impact of cyanotoxin-contaminated irrigation water in agriculture and the risk to food producers and end users with Akersvannet in Vestfold as a pilot area. Akersvannet is a highly nutrient-rich lake with annual blooms of toxin-producing cyanobacteria. Water from the lake is used to irrigate surrounding agricultural areas where vegetables are largely grown, and this can pose a risk to safe food production.
Biosecurity in RAS (recirculating aquaculture systems) (BRAS)
The main goal of the project is to strengthen biosecurity in RAS facilities with new knowledge about the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to different biosecurity strategies and survival in RAS.
BLUE CONNECT is a Horizon Europe (EU) funded project that aims to enhance marine ecosystem resilience and promote sustainable stewardship of Europe's coastal and offshore habitats through collaboration and involvement with government agencies, local MPA managers and stakeholder groups.
BLUEMISSION AA – A project under Mission Ocean
BlueMissionAA is building a coordination hub to support the Mission Ocean Implementation in the Atlantic and Arctic Basin. It will focus on preserving and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity for increased climate resilience.
Blueprint For Atlantic-Arctic Agora On Cross-Sectoral Cooperation For Restoration Of Marine And Coastal Ecosystems And Increased Climate Resilience Through Transformative Innovation (A-A Agora)
Arctic Atlantic Agora (A-A AGORA) will be a lighthouse for protecting and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity in Arctic and Atlantic coastal areas.
C-BLUES is a Horizon Europe initiative focused on advancing knowledge, understanding, policy implementation and management of blue carbon ecosystems through EU-China cooperation.
Can marine biological concrete promote marine life in offshore wind farms?
Artificial underwater structures often serve an important societal function but can have negative impacts on biodiversity by providing surfaces for colonizing benthic species that are significantly different from those found in natural habitats. The main objective of this project is to conduct a pilot study to test the potential of different materials for the re-establishment of marine life. We have chosen to focus on the quality of concrete (pH and porosity) in this project.
There is a need for more accessible and comprehensive knowledge on industrial symbiosis. Through bilateral cooperation between Romanian and Norwegian actors, the CATALYST project will provide relevant and reliable information on symbiotic opportunities, case studies, and best practices for facilitators, companies and industrial symbiosis stakeholders identified through the project.
China is an increasingly central actor in global environmental governance. CHAMBITION aims to elucidate China’s role in international environmental cooperation through examining the positions the country assumes in global environmental governance and the domestic and international drivers accounting for these positions.
Characterising Oomycetes in Brown Algae along the Norwegian Coast (OOMYCOAST)
The overarching goal of OOMYCOAST is to identify and characterise the diversity of oomycetes associated with three ecologically important species of rockweed in the intertidal and upper subtidal along the Norwegian coast: bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus), serrated wrack (Fucus serratus) and knotted wrack (Ascophyllum nodosum).
Project CLEAN addresses the cumulative impact and risk associated with multiple stressors in High North ecosystems.