Blueprint For Atlantic-Arctic Agora On Cross-Sectoral Cooperation For Restoration Of Marine And Coastal Ecosystems And Increased Climate Resilience Through Transformative Innovation (A-A Agora)
Arctic Atlantic Agora (A-A AGORA) will be a lighthouse for protecting and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity in Arctic and Atlantic coastal areas.

About the project
A-A Agora will demonstrate how innovation, ecosystem-based management and nature-based solutions can contribute to sustainable transition in three coastal areas:
- The Arctic Archipelago, Norway
- County Cork, Ireland
- Centro Region, Portugal
Based on the experiences from the three demo areas, a blueprint for protecting and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity will be created, which can be used by other coastal areas in the Arctic-Atlantic region. The EU wants these lighthouse projects to be defined by the coastal communities to the greatest extent possible and therefore encourage a high degree of local involvement in the project activities.