BLUEMISSION AA – A project under Mission Ocean
BlueMissionAA is building a coordination hub to support the Mission Ocean Implementation in the Atlantic and Arctic Basin. It will focus on preserving and restoring marine and coastal ecosystems and biodiversity for increased climate resilience.

About the project
BlueMissionAA will be the coordination hub that will support the implementation of the EU Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030 in the Atlantic and Arctic basins. It will focus on restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems and increased climate resilience.
BlueMission AA will have a structuring effect to consolidate and mobilise a wide community of relevant stakeholders and EU citizens towards the achievement of Mission objectives at basin level.
It will deliver an effective governance framework aligned with policies, initiatives and actions at national, regional and EU level [WP1], build a well-coordinated monitoring framework to assess the progress of the implementation on an ongoing basis [WP2], provide a wide range catalogue of supporting services [WP3], foster an attractive innovation ecosystem for ecological restoration [WP4], and give the opportunity and empower EU citizens to engage in the preservation and restoration of oceans and waters through participative means [WP5].
Six case studies will be selected across a range of representative restoration approaches to represent restoration approaches (e.g protection, active restoration, sustainable harvesting) to represent existing and proven methodologies from recent and ongoing projects and networks.
The case studies will deliver guidelines and recommendations in respect of optimum governance approaches for delivering environmental protection and restoration in marine, freshwater and transitional water systems and scalability for achieving mission objectives. BlueMissionAA will develop two region-specific proposals towards an effective mission lighthouse governance, one for the Atlantic and one for the Arctic.
NIVA’s role in the project lies in particular in WP1 and WP2, with a specific responsibility for the Arctic Basin.