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Driftskontroll av kalkdoseringsanlegg i Arendalsvassdraget År 2018
Rolf Høgberget, Jarle Håvardstun, Liv Bente Skancke
Global patterns in the metacommunity structuring of lake macrophytes: regional variations and driving factors
Janne Alahuhta, Marja Lindholm, Claudia P Bove, Eglantine Chappuis, John Clayton, Mary de Winton
Development of microbiological molecular diagnostic techniques for the rapid screening and identification of selected human bacterial pathogens and indicators
Marc Anglès d'Auriac
Levels and trends of tributyltin (TBT) and imposex in dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) along the Norwegian coastline from 1991 to 2017
Merete Schøyen, Norman W Green, Dag Ø Hjermann, Lise Ann Tveiten, Bjørnar Beylich, Sigurd Øxnevad
The Effect of Optical Properties on Secchi Depth and Implications for Eutrophication Management
E Therese Harvey, Jakob Walve, Agneta Andersson, Bengt Karlson, Susanne Kratzer
Determining the risk of calcium oxide (CaO) particle exposure to marine organisms
Steven J Brooks, Anastasia Georgantzopoulou, Joachim Tørum Johansen, Martin Mengede
Using a chain of models to predict health and environmental impacts in Norway from a hypothetical nuclear accident at the Sellafield site
A Liland, OC Lind, J Bartnicki, JE Brown, JE Dyve, Mikhail Iosjpe
Sustainable microalgae-based technology for biotransformation of benzalkonium chloride in oil and gas produced water: A laboratory-scale study
Adrián Jaén-Gil, Laura Ferrando-Climent, Imma Ferrer, E. Michael Thurman, Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz, Damià Barceló
Assessment of marine sediment remediation efficiency with SPME-based passive sampling measurement
Ian J Allan, Violette Raffard, Alfhild Kringstad, Kristoffer Næs
Approaches to Reconsider Literature on Physiological Effects of Environmental Change: Examples From Ocean Acidification Research
Laura J Falkenberg, Sam Dupont, Richard G J Bellerby
Strategic Environmental Goals and Objectives: Setting the basis for environmental regulation of deep seabed mining
Verena Tunnicliffe, Ana Metaxas, Jennifer Le, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Lisa A Levin
Enantiomeric profiling of chiral illicit drugs in a pan-European study
Erika Castrignanò, Zhugen Yang, Richard Bade, Jose A Baz-Lomba, Sara Castiglioni, Ana Causanilles
Insurance engagement in flood risk reduction - examples from household and business insurance in developed countries
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Effects of multiple stressors on cyanobacteria abundance vary with lake type
Jessica Richardson, Claire Miller, Stephen C Maberly, Philip Taylor, Lidija Globevnik, Peter Hunter
Identification of algal growth inhibitors in treated waste water using effect-directed analysis based on non-target screening techniques
Zuzana Tousova, Jean Froment, Peter Oswald, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Klara Hilscherova, Kevin V Thomas
Assessment of microbial activity in water based on hydrogen peroxide decomposition rates
Lars-Flemming Pedersen, Paula Rojas-Tirado, Erik Arvin, Per Bovbjerg Pedersen
Terrestrial organic matter increases zooplankton methylmercury accumulation in a brown-water boreal lake
Amanda E Poste, Cathrine Skaar Hoel, Tom Andersen, Michael T Arts, Per-Johan Færøvig, Katrine Borgå
Health and ecological risk assessment of emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and artificial sweeteners) in surface and groundwater (drinking water) in the Ganges River Basin, India
Brij Mohan Sharma, Jitka Bečanová, Martin Scheringer, Anežka Sharma, Girija K Bharat, Paul G Whitehead
The future depends on what we do today – Projecting Europe's surface water quality into three different future scenarios
Leoni Mack, Hans Estrup Andersen, Meryem Beklioğlu, Tuba Bucak, Raoul-Marie Couture, Fabien Cremona
Contrasting neurochemical and behavioral profiles reflects stress coping styles but not stress responsiveness in farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
Erik Höglund, Maria Moltesen, Maria Filipa Castanheira, Per-Ove Thörnqvist, Patricia IM Silva, Øyvind Øverli