Environmental data
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Involved from NIVA (17)
Christian Vogelsang
Dag Øystein Hjermann
Federico Håland Gaeta
Pages (4)
Climate monitoring station Langtjern
Projects (4)
ICP Waters
The programme collects monitoring data from approximately 20 countries in Europe and North America to monitor and investigate the extent to which air pollution affects lakes and rivers, particularly regarding acidification, heavy metals and pollutants.
Monitoring of Environmental Pollutants in Coastal Areas (MILKYS)
The program monitors levels, trends and effects of the most environmentally hazardous heavy metals and organic pollutants in marine organisms along the entire Norwegian coast, from the Oslofjord to the Varangerfjord, and in Svalbard.
NorSOOP will strengthen research and observations of the marine and atmospheric environments, as well as contribute to finding better solutions for observing and managing human impact on the world's oceans.
Norsk infrastruktur for dronebasert forskning, kartlegging og overvåking i kystsonen. Innovasjon innen dronebasert forskning.
Research sections (1)
Environmental informatics
The Section for Environmental Informatics manages and quality assures NIVA's data and makes them available to NIVA's researchers.