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Case study site: Hartebeespoort Dam (South Africa)
Case study site: Otra River (Norway)
NIVA Risk assessment database
Microalgae – important ingredients in the green shift
Microalgae are a renewable resource. They absorb CO2 as they grow and reproduce themselves at a rapid pace. It is time to put them to use.
Head office Oslo
Vil klimaendringer virke positivt på norske tareskoger?
Klimaendringer, deriblant havforsuring, påvirker mange planter og dyr i sjøen på ulike måter. Fersk forskning tilsier at tare kan nyte fordeler av noen av endringene.
Lower levels of contaminants along the Norwegian coast – but still high concentrations of mercury in cod in some urban areas
The contaminant concentrations in the marine environment are decreasing along the Norwegian coastline – but there are some exceptions. In many urban areas, long-term trends for mercury in cod fillet are upwards. In the Inner Oslofjord, mercury levels in cod fillet have increased over the past 35 years, but leveled out during the past 10 years.
Stor torsk har meir kvikksølv
Dei siste tretti åra har konsentrasjonen av kvikksølv auka i torsken i Oslofjorden, jamvel om utsleppa av miljøgifta er reduserte. Samstundes er òg gjennomsnittstorsken forskarane har teke prøvar av frå fjorden vorten større. Er dei auka kvikksølvnivåa rett og slett eit resultat av at torsken har vakse?
NIVA and REV Ocean links up to coordinate ocean actions
REV Ocean and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) coordinate actions against plastic pollution, action for blue forests, and collection of ocean data through marine drones and FerryBox ships of opportunity.
Inga Fløisand
Special Advisor
NIVA will review European rules and governance for the marine environment
The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) has recently been awarded funding to lead a new EU project that will investigate the interaction between all European regulations that affect governance of Europe’s seas and coasts.
State of the Cryosphere 2021 Report
Some may have never heard of the term Cryosphere, though most know where the Earth is covered by ice and snow either seasonally or year-round. Climate change is happening in the Cryosphere faster and more dramatically than anywhere else on earth. The first State of the Cryosphere report, reviewed and supported by nearly 50 leading cryosphere scientists and with over half of them Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) authors, has been released and will come out annually every year until 2030.
Region East
ZeroPM: Zero Pollution from Persistent, Mobile Substances
Persistent, mobile (PM) substances are being recognized as serious threats to the safety of water resources. In many cases, drinking water supplies have to be purified using expensive technologies because of contamination by PM substances. As part of this effort, a new, wide-reaching European Research project with NIVA as one of the partners, Zero Pollution of Persistent, Mobile substances, (ZeroPM) will start in autumn 2021.