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Is PGE2 production dependent on the EPA:ARA ratio or only the concentration of ARA? In vitro studies with primary cell cultures from A. cod head kidney
Miriam Furné Castillo, Hernandez Pedro W Araujo, Elisabeth Holen, Mari Moren, Kai Kristoffer Lie
Arachidonic acid enhances turnover of the dermal skeleton: Studies on zebrafish scales e89347
Erik De Vrieze, Mari Moren, Juriaan R.. Metz, Gert Flik, Kai Kristoffer Lie
A comparison of retinol, retinal and retinyl ester concentrations in larvae of Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) fed Artemia or zooplankton.
Mari Moren, Ingegjerd Opstad, Kristin Hamre
Investigating the effect of high dietary arachidonic acid in zebrafish (Danio rerio) using high-throughput technologies
Anne-Catrin Adam, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Mari Moren, Kaja Helvik Skjærven
Conversion of ß-carotene, canthaxanthin and astaxanthin to vitamin A in Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) juveniles
Mari Moren, Tore Næss, Kristin Hamre
High dietary arachidonic acid levels induce changes in complex lipids and immune-related eicosanoids and increase levels of oxidised metabolites in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Anne-Catrin Adam, Kai Kristoffer Lie, Mari Moren, Kaja Helvik Skjærven
Dietary taurine supplementation in plant protein based diets do not affect growth and reproductive performance of zebrafish
Igo Gomes Guimarães, Kaja Helvik Skjærven, Mari Moren, Marit Espe, Kristin Hamre
Iodine enrichment of Artemia and enhanced levels of iodine in Atlantic halibut larvae (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.) fed the enriched Artemia
Mari Moren, Ingegjerd Opstad, Terje van der Meeren, Kristin Hamre
Selenium supplementation changes glutathione peroxidase activity and thyroid hormone production in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae
Ana Ribeiro, L. Ribeiro, Øystein Sæle, Kristin Hamre, M. T. Dinis, Mari Moren
Iodine-enriched rotifers and Artemia prevent goitre in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae reared in a recirculation system
A. R. A. Ribeiro, L. Ribeiro, Øystein Sæle, Kristin Hamre, M. T. Dinis, Mari Moren
Element concentrations in meals from krill and amphipods, - Possible alternative protein sources in complete diets for farmed fish
Mari Moren, Jorma Suontama, Gro Ingunn Hemre, Ørjan Karlsen, Rolf Erik Olsen, Harald Mundheim
Differences in nutrient content of eggs and larvae as indicators for improvement of broodstock nutrition in walleye (Sander vitreus) production
Sahar Mejri, Rejean Tremblay, Grant Vandenberg, Mari Moren, Ines Ben Khemis, Celine Audet
Proteiner med potensial
Nils Kristian Afseth, Mari Moren, Ragnhild Whitaker
Functionality of the cleaner fish, ballan wrasse, intestine
Øystein Sæle, Ingrid Lein, Mari Moren, Kai Lie
Comparison of Explainable Machine Learning Methods for Marine Vegetation Mapping by Using Hyperspectral Imagery
Katalin Blix, Jorge García-Jimenez, Ana Belén Ruescas, Julia Amoros, Galice Guillaume Hoarau, Eli Rinde
Mapping shallow-water maerl beds with UAV hyperspectral imaging - using convolutional neural nets for image segmentation based on both spectra and texture
Martin Hansen Skjelvareid, Eli Rinde, Kasper Hancke, Maia Røst Kile, Galice Guillaume Hoarau, Katalin Blix
Risks posed by managed honey bees (Apis mellifera) to wild pollinators in Norway. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Biodiversity of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Anders Nielsen, Bjørn Arild Hatteland, Jo Skeie Hermansen, Lawrence Richard Kirkendall, Claus Rasmussen, Kristin Opdal Seljetun
Method development for mapping kelp using drones and satellite images: Results from the KELPMAP-Vega project
Hege Gundersen, Kasper Hancke, Arnt Børre Salberg, Robert Nøddebo Poulsen, Toms Buls, Izzie Yi Liu
Forslag til metodikk for å vurdere økologisk kvalitet for lokaliteter av forvaltningsrelevante marine naturenheter
Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Kristina Øie Kvile, Marijana Stenrud Brkljacic, Jonas Thormar, Marit Mjelde
Utvikling av kartleggingsmetodikk og kriterier for lokalitetskvalitet for marine naturtyper.
Eli Rinde, Siri Røang Moy, Gunhild Borgersen, Marijana Stenrud Brkljacic, Camilla With Fagerli, Janne Kim Gitmark