Surface waters: The overlooked factor in the forestry climate mitigation debate (SURFER)
SusWater (Sustainable governance of river basins with Hydropower production) focuses on water management in regulated rivers. The project looks at various avenues towards a more unified water management that is accepted both locally and nationally, while international obligations are met.
The River Monitoring Program
The purpose of the river monitoring program is to calculate inputs of nutrients and pollutants to Norwegian marine areas through monitoring of rivers and modeling of inputs from areas without monitoring.
UPRISE will produce a holistic management tool for municipalities that can be used to identify the most appropriate areas for peatland restoration.
I prosjektet USAGE jobber vi med løsninger og tjenester som bidrar til fremtidens grønne og blå byer. Helt konkret handler USAGE om å kombinere produksjon av mat i et kompakt akvaponi-system sammen med håndtering og gjenbruk av overvann og takvann som ressurs inn i denne produksjonen.
WatRes: antibiotic resistance in Hias inlet and effluent water
The WatRes project investigates the occurrence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic-resistance genes from the Hias wastewater treatment plant to Lake Mjøsa, a main source of drinking water and irrigation.
The purpose of the monitoring program is to provide reference data from unaffected water bodies against which impacts can be assessed, to monitor long-term changes in natural conditions and large-scale human impact, and to monitor acidification effects in freshwater in Norway as a result of atmospheric inputs of long-range transported air pollutants.
Ecosystem monitoring in large lakes (ØKOSTOR): The program consists of monitoring of large and significant water bodies and boundary waters.