
Song Y, Lillicrap A, Esguerra CV, Villeneuve DL, Ng D, Rundberget JT, Moe SJ, Kamstra JH, Tollefsen KE, Xie L, Christou M, Hultman MT, de Bin R, Iguchi T, Cao Y, 2022. Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways Assisted Next Generation Risk Assessment of Mitochondrial Toxicants. SETAC Asia-Pacific Annual Meeting 2022, September 5-9, 2022. Virtual conference. (Platform)

Christou M, Hultman M T, Esguerra C, Lillicrap A, Song Y, 2022. Adverse outcome pathway guided hazard assessment of mitochondrial uncouplers: a tiered testing strategy using zebrafish in vitro assays and embryo toxicity assays. SETAC Europe Annual Meeting 2022, May 15-19, 2022. Conference (Platform presentation & Poster)

Song, Y, 2022. Adverse Outcome Pathway developer experience – NIVA. The 1st Adverse Outcome Pathway Community of Practice Symposium. The Society for the Advancement of Adverse Outcome Pathways (SAAOP), Feb 15, 17, 22, 2022. Virtual meeting.

Song, Y, Villeneuve, D.L., Moe, J., Cao, Y., Hultman, M.T., Christou, M., Esguerra, C.V., Rundberget, J.T., Xie, L., Lillicrap, A., Tollefsen, K.E., Petersen, K., de Bin, R., Lee, Y., Solhaug, K.A., Ng, D., Edhlund, I., Kamstra, J.H., Legler, J., Iguchi, T., Andersen, S., 2021. Development of quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways to facilitate next generation risk assessment of mitochondrial toxicants. SETAC North America 42nd Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon4), November 14-18, 2021. Virtual conference. (Platform)
Hultman, M.T., Christou, M., Rundberget, J.T., Esguerra, C., Edhlund, I., Kamstra, J., Lillicrap, A., Song, Y., 2021. Adverse outcome pathway (AOP) guided high-throughput in vitro and in vivo assessment of mitochondrial toxicants. SETAC North America 42nd Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon4), November 14-18, 2021. Virtual conference. (Platform)

Song, Y, 2021. Source to Outcome Pathways: An information framework for next generation risk assessment. The Belgian Society of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology (BelTOX) Annual Meeting, session 2: Big Data, Nov 4, 2021. Virtual meeting.

SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon3)
Compos, B, Song, Y, Vinas, NR, Zupanic, A, Session 1.08 - Integrating New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) and Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways (qAOPs): From Development to Deployment Into Risk Assessment and Decision-Making. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon3), May 3-6, 2021. Virtual conference.
Cao, Y, Moe, SJ, de Bin, R, Tollefsen, KE, Song, Y. Piecewise structural equation modeling aided construction of a quantitative adverse outcome pathway network. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon3), May 3-6, 2021. Virtual conference.
Moe, SJ, Cao, Y, de Bin, R, Tollefsen, KE, Song, Y. Quantification of an AOP network for effects of UV radiation by statistical and Bayesian network modelling. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon3), May 3-6, 2021. Virtual conference.

SETAC North America 41st Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon2)
Song, Y, Hultman, MT, Moe, SJ, Petersen, K, Rundberget, JT, Xie, L, Cao, Y, Esguerra, CV, de Bin, R, Lee, Y, Solhaug, KA, Kamstra, JH, Legler, J, Iguchi, T, Lillicrap, A, Andersen, S, Villeneuve, DL, Tollefsen, KE, 2020. The RiskAOP Project-Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathway Assisted Risk Assessment of Mitochondrial Toxicants. SETAC North America 41st Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon2), November 15-19, 2020. Virtual conference.

The 8th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium (NETS)
Song, Y, 2020. De novo construction of adverse outcome pathway (AOP) networks using high-throughput tests and computational approaches. The 8th Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium (NETS), November 4-5, 2020. Virtual conference (Platform presentation).

SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon)
Song, Y, Kamstra, J. H., Cao, Y., Anglès d'Auriac, M., Assleman, J., Friberg, N., 2020. Deciphering DNA methyltransferase inhibitor mediated transgenerational effects on Daphnia: high-throughput analyses and Adverse Outcome Pathway assembly. SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon). May 3-6, 2020. Virtual conference.