NYBRØK - New wellboat knowledge - biological risk factors when using wellboats to transport and process salmon
The project is part of an initiative to optimize wellboat transport and processing of fish in wellboats.
About the project
New knowledge about biological risk and effects on fish during transport and processing in wellboats, will lead to optimized procedures/practices, and thus lower mortality, both during and after the operations. In addition, new knowledge in this area will enable the development of field diagnostics, with transfer value to operations in closed/semi-closed systems and hatcheries. Overall, such knowledge will contribute significantly to reduced costs, improved fish welfare/health and increased sustainability throughout the industry.
Research and development partners
Stiftelsen Industrilaboratoriet (ILAB)
Aqua Kompetanse AS
Patogen AS
Akvaplan-niva AS
University of Bergen (UiB)
Seafarming Systems AS
NUI (Norsk undervannsintervensjon)
Industry partners
Sølvtrans AS
Frøy ASA
Rostein AS
Mowi AS
Lerøy Seafood Group ASA
SalMar ASA (SalmoNor)
Salmon Evolution AS
Salmon Group
Ovum AS
Grieg Seafood ASA