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Restoration and sustainable management of shallow lakes in the Baltic region: framework and pilot studies

This project is a bilateral cooperation between research institutions in the three Baltic states and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research on lake restoration.

Project period
EEA and Norway Grants
Total budget (NOK)
Research section
Freshwater Ecology
Contact person
Sigrid Haande

About the project

Shallow lake restoration remains a highly topical issue as no systematic lake restoration has taken place in the Baltic states. In parallel to the strong local interest in the restoration of these ecologically and socio-economically important freshwater ecosystems protection and restoration of aquatic resources and their ecosystem services is one of the nearest future development needs being highlighted by Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and prioritized in European Green Deal call area 7: Restoring biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The aim of the current project is to involve researchers from all partner institutions in preparing a joint application on the overreaching topic of lake restoration planning and practical testing.

The project is funded by EEA and Norway grants
The project is funded by EEA and Norway grants