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Marianne Mosberg

Researcher Scientist, PhD
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+47 909 48 874
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Marianne Mosberg is an interdisciplinary social scientist with a PhD in International Environmental and Development Studies from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Her doctoral research focused on climate change adaptation, vulnerability, and conflict in southeastern Myanmar—a topic she has studied and worked with for over 15 years in diverse geographical contexts. Marianne also holds a master’s degree in International Environmental Studies from NMBU and a bachelor’s degree in Development Studies from the University of Oslo (UiO), specializing in political science, human geography, and peace and conflict studies.

At NIVA, Marianne primarily works on projects focusing on plastic pollution and climate change adaptation in countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Kenya, and Norway (e.g. ASEANO2, MAHAT, INOPOL). She is particularly interested in the complex interactions between environmental challenges and social justice, and her research explores the ways in which political, social, and environmental processes converge to shape the health and well-being of marginalized and disadvantaged groups. Marianne also has experience from the development cooperation sector, where she has worked with climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Myanmar and beyond. Methodologically, she has expertise in qualitative methods, incl. in-depth interviews, ethnographic fieldwork, and policy analysis.

As an international environment and development studies scholar, Marianne combines her theoretical and methodological expertise with a strong commitment to environmental and climate justice, aiming to contribute to the development of sustainable and equitable solutions to global environmental challenges.