Conventions and international environmental cooperation
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Involved from NIVA (17)
Cecilie Baann
Dag Øystein Hjermann
Emmy Falk Nøklebye
News articles (6)
Dette trenger vi for å forstå mikroplast-problematikken bedre
Sirkulærøkonomi: Plasten bør resirkuleres i nærheten av der plasten blir brukt
KRONIKK: Den bør ikke eksporteres til fattige land der den ofte havner på dynga. Det er på høy tid at vi i vesten tar ansvar for det plastavfallet vi produserer og omfavner mulighetene som ligger i nye, bærekraftige løsninger.
A (small) step closer to ending plastic pollution
UN Member States met in Ottawa 23-29 April to continue the negotiations for a global treaty to end plastic pollution. Researchers from NIVA are part of a network of 350 scientists informing the negotiations.
Projects (13)
ASEANO 2 is a regional capacity building project led by NIVA and the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies Indonesia (CSEAS), in collaboration with the ASEAN Secretariat. The project is under the leadership of the ASEAN sectoral body ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment (AWGCME). ASEANO2 aims to build and enhance capacity and knowledge to measure, evaluate and address plastic pollution from key terrestrial sources in the ASEAN region through improved understanding of sources, emissions, transport, and fate.
China is an increasingly central actor in global environmental governance. CHAMBITION aims to elucidate China’s role in international environmental cooperation through examining the positions the country assumes in global environmental governance and the domestic and international drivers accounting for these positions.
NIVA is leading this comprehensive EU project that will examine the interaction between all European regulations that affect the marine and coastal environment.
Research sections (2)
International environment and development
NIVA's Section for International Environment and Development works with solutions to complex environmental problems locally, nationally, and globally. We work interdisciplinary, qualitatively, and quantitatively and we combine social science and natural science methods to create holistic analyses and solution proposals.
Water and society
The Water and Society section engages in research on the interactions between people and nature, and how different values and knowledge can be better integrated in environmental policy, regulation and management. Understanding these interactions is essential for relevant, inclusive and holistic water and environmental governance.