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Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth

Research Scientist
Email address
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+47 924 21 348
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Research section
Water and society


Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth (F) holds an MSc in Business and Administration, specializing in economics. In her position as a Research Scientist in the section for Water and Society, she works on a range of research projects related to ecosystem services valuation, financing mechanisms and policies to support sustainable measures and reduce adverse environmental effects. Her primary focus is urban climate adaptation, water management, and industries like fisheries (EU H2020 EcoScope) and aquaculture (EU H2020 TAPAS). In later years, nature-based solutions gained increasing attention in her research through projects like New Water Ways and SPARE (both funded by NFR), and S-ITUATION and S-UMMATION (both commissioned by NCM), focusing on ways to facilitate NbS implementation through policy, financing/funding and incentives. She conducts economic analysis of ecosystem services, suggested measures and interventions, including willingness-to-pay assessments such as revealed and stated preferences studies and cost-benefit analysis. Moreover, she performs policy analysis. In addition to stakeholder interviews and surveys, she works with stakeholder involvement through co-creation and collaboration.