Rivers and streams
Related content
Involved from NIVA (16)
Anders Gjørwad Hagen
Cathrine Brecke Gundersen
Christian Vogelsang
News articles (2)
Europe’s rivers and streams: Positive biodiversity trend in European rivers and streams has come to an end
A recent Nature article with two NIVA co-authors shows that biodiversity in European streams and rivers has increased since the 1970s, but that the positive trend has stopped in the last decade.
The "plastic rivers" of Asia play a key part in the fight against plastic in the ocean
Projects (11)
AMBER pilot study
In this pilot project, we're using citizen science to gather important information about Norwegian rivers and streams.
ETC-BE AMR: Antimicrobial resistance in European surface waters
We need to improve our understanding of the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in surface waters, particularly downstream of urban waste water treatment plants. However, at present there is no European overview of the presence of AMR in surface waters. This project will develop a basic approach and methodology for a European scale AMR monitoring of surface waters.
From Catchment to Coast (C2C)
How are northern ecosystems affected by climate change, and how do different ecosystems affect each other? This 5-year Fram Centre research program aims to provide critical new knowledge related to: (1) Cross-ecosystem climate change impacts; and (2) How to best integrate cross-ecosystem linkages into cohesive management approaches.
Research sections (1)
Freshwater Ecology
NIVA's sections on Freshwater Ecology have expertise in the monitoring and restoration of freshwater ecosystems and their biodiversity. We develop knowledge and understanding that provide a basis for applied, evidence-based freshwater management.