Viser 9959 treff
Comment on "Modern-age buildup of CO2 and its effects on seawater acidity and salinity" by Hugo A. Loaiciga
Ken Caldeira, David Archer, James P. Barry, Richard Bellerby, Peter G. Brewer, Long Cao
Adverse Outcome Pathways - a framework for linking theoretical and experimental (eco)toxicology?
Knut Erik Tollefsen
Dispersion, Transfer and Risk of NORM and Metals due to Construction in U-bearing Minerals
Lindis Skipperud, Hans-Christian Teien, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Frøydis Meen Wærsted
Ocean acidification from increasing CO2: potential ecological consequences and climate feedbacks
Richard Bellerby
Ocean acidification from increasing CO2: ecological consequences and climate feedbacks
Richard Bellerby, Ingo Bethke, J. Hauck, D. Slagstad
Regional Climate Change and Implications for Maritime Norway
Richard Bellerby, Helge Drange, Randi Ingvaldsen
Short-lived Trace Gas Production and Biological Feedbacks Research Under COST 735
Richard Bellerby
Observations of acidification in the weddell sea on a decadal time scale
J. Hauck, M. Hoppema, Christoph Völker, Richard Bellerby, Dieter Wolf-Gladrow
Are eastern boundary upwelling systems good analogues for a future high co2 ocean?
Pedro P Scheel Monteiro, Richard Bellerby
Spatial probability modelling of eelgrass (Zostera marina) distribution on the west coast of Norway
T Bekkby, E Rinde, L Erikstad, Vegar Bakkestuen, O Longva, O Christensen
GIS modeling of wave exposure at the seabed: A depth-attenuated wave exposure model
T Bekkby, PE Isachsen, M Isaeus, Vegar Bakkestuen
Effects of global warming on Arctic gathering pace at a staggering rate - experts
Richard Bellerby
Arctic Region As Global Warming Barometer
Richard Bellerby
Varsku fra forsker: - Økte CO2-utslipp dreper liv i havet også
Richard Bellerby
Kan ta 10-15 % av klimautslippene
Richard Bellerby
Varsel for fiskebankene
Knut Yngve Børsheim, Richard Bellerby
CO2 og forsuring av havet
Richard Bellerby
Prediksjonsmodellering av arters og naturtypers utbredelse og forekomst: utfordringer og potensiell bruksverdi i Norge. ISBN 978-82797001-4
Jogeir Nicolai Stokland, Vegar Bakkestuen, T Bekkby, E Rinde, O Skarpaas, Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
Magnitude and origin of the anthroopogenic CO2 increase and 13C Suess effect in the Nordic seas since 1981
Are Olsen, Abdirahman Omar, Richard Bellerby, Truls Johannessen, Ulysses S Ninnemann, Kelly Brown
Uptake and sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in the Labrador Sea deep convection region
M.D. DeGrandpre, A. Körtzinger, U. Send, D. Wallace, Richard Bellerby