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Towards sustainable waste management in Myanmar – key results from the project ‘Capacity building on waste management in the Bago Region’
Ingrid Nesheim, Julia Szulecka, Cecilie Baann, Rachel Hurley, Emmy Nøklebye, May Thazin Phoo
Real-Time Missing Data Estimation in Water Networks
Jyotirmoy Bhardwaj, Christopher Peter Harman, Harsha Gardiyawasam Pussewalage, Linga Reddy Cenkeramaddi
Observing and mapping marine ecosystems - next generation tools. Improving the efficiency of observation technologies to monitor the marine ecosystems and their biodiversity
Dimitry Van der Zande, Angel Borja, Hege Gundersen, Véronique Créach, Héloise Lavigne, Joppe Massant
A Framework for the Development, Design and Implementation of a Sustained Arctic Ocean Observing System
Craig M Lee, Sandy Starkweather, Hajo Eicken, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Jeremy Wilkinson, Stein Sandven
Problemkartlegging av tre kraftverk i Nitelva
Asle Økelsrud, Jan-Erik Thrane, Markus Lindholm, Marthe Torunn Solhaug Jenssen, James Edward Sample
Taredyrking - mulige miljøeffekter, synergier og konflikter med andre interesser i kystsonen
Kasper Hancke, Trine Bekkby, Mona Gilstad, Annelise Chapman, Hartvig C Christie
Slep av laksesmolt fra Storelva som avbøtende tiltak mot estuarine blandsoner. Smoltårgang 2017
Tormod Haraldstad, Jim Güttrup
Demonstrasjon av anvendelsesområdet for en online partikkelteller i vannforsyningssystemet
Carsten Ulrich Schwermer, Christian Vogelsang
Nature-Based Units as Building Blocks for Resource Recovery Systems in Cities
Eric D. van Hullebusch, Aida Bani, Miguel Carvalho, Zeynep Cetecioglu, Bart De Gusseme, Sara Di Lonardo
A new automated method for isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis from urine eliminates inhibition and increases robustness for NAAT systems
Marc Anglès d'Auriac, Unn Hilde Refseth, Mari Espelund, Harald Moi, Gunnar Størvold, Stig Jeansson
Effects of hypo- and hyperoxia on transcription levels of five stress genes and the glutathione system in liver of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
Pål Olsvik, Torstein Kristensen, Rune Waagbø, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Hilde Toften
Volcanically hosted venting with indications of ultramafic influence at Aurora hydrothermal field on Gakkel Ridge
Christopher R. German, Eoghan Reeves, Andreas Türke, Alexander Diehl, Elmar Albers, Wolfgang Bach
Greenhouse gas budgets of severely polluted urban lakes in India
Amy Pickard, Stella White, Sumita Bhattacharyya, Laurence Carvalho, Anne Dobel, Julia Drewer
Transformation Kinetics of Burnt Lime in Freshwater and Sea Water
Harald Justnes, Carlos Escudero-Oñate, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Martin Mengede
Kelp-carbon uptake by Arctic deep-sea food webs plays a noticeable role in maintaining ecosystem structural and functional traits
Daniel Vilas, Marta Coll, Torstein Pedersen, Xavier Corrales, Karen Filbee-Dexter, Morten Foldager Pedersen
Early life stress induces long-term changes in limbic areas of a teleost fish: The role of catecholamine systems in stress coping
Marco A Vindas, Stefanos Fokos, Michail Pavlidis, Erik Höglund, Sylvia Dionysopoulou, Lars OE Ebbesson
Influence of suspended sediment front on nutrients and phytoplankton dynamics off the Changjiang Estuary: A FVCOM-ERSEM coupled model experiment
Jianzhong Ge, Ricardo Torres, Changsheng Chen, Jie Liu, Yi Xu, Richard Bellerby
The impact of the spring 2020 snowmelt floods on physicochemical conditions in three Norwegian river-fjord-coastal systems
Amanda Poste, Øyvind Kaste, Helene Frigstad, Heleen de Wit, E. Therese Harvey, Louise Valestrand
Water Column Monitoring Research and development programme: Determining the residency of wild fish around offshore installations
Steven Brooks, Bjørnar Beylich
Dynamics of an aquatic diffusive predator–prey model with double Allee effect and pH-dependent capture rate
Xiaoshuang Li, Danfeng Pang, Philip Wallhead, Richard Bellerby