Viser 754 treff
Bioaccumulation assessment of nanomaterials using freshwater invertebrate species
Sebastian Kuehr, Verena Kosfeld, Christian Schlechtriem
Distribution, identification and range expansion of the common Asellidae in Northern Europe, featuring the first record of Proasellus meridianus in the Nordic countries
Joanna L Kemp, Andreas Ballot, Jens Petter Nilssen, Ingvar Spikkeland, Tor Erik Eriksen
Performance of a Recirculating Aquaculture System Utilizing an Algal Turf Scrubber for Scaled-Up Captive Rearing of Freshwater Mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
Zhitao Huang, Jess Jones, Junye Gu, Eric Hallerman, Timothy Lane, Xiefa Song
Tracking freshwater browning and coastal water darkening from boreal forests to the Arctic Ocean
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Tom Andersen, Dag Olav Hessen, Christian Lindemann, Dag Lorents Aksnes
Isoscapes Norway
Ingar Johansen, Stephane Polteau, Rolf David Vogt, Hilde Thelle Uggerud, Francois Clayer
Testing the bioaccumulation potential of manufactured nanomaterials in the freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca
Sebastian Kuehr, Ralf Kaegi, Dirk Maletzki, Christian Schlechtriem
Metal and proton toxicity to lake zooplankton: A chemical speciation based modelling approach
Anthony Stockdale, Edward Tipping, Stephen Lofts, Jan Fott, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Jakub Hruska
Overvåking av bunndyr i grensekryssende vassdrag i østlandsområdet i forbindelse med vassdragskalking. Samlerapport for undersøkelsene i 1995, 1996 og 1997
Torleif Bækken, Gøsta Kjellberg, Arne Linløkken
No additional stress of sublethal gas supersaturation in a landlocked population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to environmental acidification
Erik Höglund, Lifen Zhou Loland, Rolf Høgberget, Peter Vilhelm Skov, Gaute Velle
Time series of plankton data from Lake Mjøsa, Norway
Jarl Eivind Løvik, S. Jannicke Moe
Phytoplankton and other monitoring data from Lake Vansjø
Sigrid Haande, S. Jannicke Moe, Raoul-Marie Couture
Water column distribution of mercury species in permanently stratified aqueous environments
Svetlana Pakhomova, Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Evgeniy Yakushev, Elizaveta Protsenko
Miljøinnsjø - Kunnskapsgrunnlag for utvikling av miljøstandard for oppdrett i ferskvann
Federico Håland Gaeta, Trine Dale, Anders Hobæk
Problemkartlegging av tre kraftverk i Nitelva
Asle Økelsrud, Jan-Erik Thrane, Markus Lindholm, Marthe Torunn Solhaug Jenssen, James Edward Sample
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater food webs (MILFERSK) 2022
Morten Jartun, Asle Økelsrud, Kine Bæk, Thomas Rundberget, Sigurd Øxnevad, Anders Ruus
Spatial and temporal trends of mercury in freshwater fish in Fennoscandia (1965-2015)
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Staffan Åkerblom, Heleen de Wit, Gunnar Skotte, Martti Rask, Jussi Vuorenmaa
Use of sodium silicate to reduce aluminium toxicity towards fish
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Brit Salbu, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Development of species-specific eDNA-based test systems for monitoring of freshwater crayfish
Steen Wilhelm Knudsen, Sune Agersnap, Peter Rask Møller, Jesper Harbo Andersen
Quantification of microcystin-producing microcystis in freshwater bodies in the Southern Mozambique using quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction.
Olivia Pedro, Elisabeth Lie, Dacia Correia, Luis C. Neves, Janneche Utne Skåre, Morten Sandvik
Expert Assessment of Risks Posed by Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities to Ecosystem Services in the Deep North Atlantic
Claire W Armstrong, Godwin K Vondolia, Naomi Foley, Lea-Anne Henry, Katherine Needham, Adriana M Ressurreição