Viser 9961 treff
Overvåkingsmetoder for vannregionspesifikke og prioriterte stoffer i kystvann påvirket av ferskvann
Sissel Brit Ranneklev, Norman Whitaker Green, Ian Allan, Merete Grung, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Anders Ruus
Ecosystem Services in the Coastal Zone of the Nordic Countries
Hege Gundersen, Tanya Bryan, Wenting Chen, Frithjof Emil Moy, Antonia Sandman, Göran Sundblad
MARS Deliverable 5.1: Five reports on stressor classification and effects at the European scale
Lidija Globevnik, Sebastian Birk, Hege Gundersen, Ángel Borja
The advective origin of an under-ice spring bloom in the Arctic Ocean using multiple observational platforms
Geir Johnsen, Marit Norli, Mark A. Moline, Ian Robbins, Cecilie von Quillfeldt, Kai Sørensen
Forsøksbehandling med monokloramin mot Gyrodactylus salaris i elva Glitra
Anders Gjørwad Hagen, Sigurd Hytterød, Kjetil Olstad, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Mari Darrud, Tobias Houge Holter
Visual faunistic exploration of geomorphological human-impacted deep-sea areas of the north-western Mediterranean Sea
Ariadna Mecho, Jacopo Aguzzi, Ben De Mol, Galderic Lastras, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Nixon Bahamon
Reviews and syntheses: parameter identification in marine planktonic ecosystem modelling
Markus Schartau, Philip Wallhead, John Hemmings, Ulrike Loptien, Iris Kriest, Shubham Krishna
Distribution and abundance of the invasive seagrass Halophila stipulacea and associated benthic macrofauna in Carriacou, Grenadines, Eastern Caribbean
Robert E. Scheibling, David G Patriquin, Karen Filbee-Dexter
The proposed dropping of the genus crassostrea for all pacific cupped oysters and its replacement by a new genus magallana: A dissenting view
B. L. Bayne, M. Ahrens, S. K. Allen, Marc Angles d'Auriac, T. Backeljau, P. Beninger
Carbon uptake in the blue forests. Carbon uptake in forests – The Earths "natural" buffer for climate change
Hege Gundersen
Kelp – the new climate agent
Hege Gundersen
Projection of future kelp forest in the North
Hege Gundersen
The Norwegian Blue Forest Network: the role of kelp export in shaping adjacent benthic ecosystems: steps for international collaboration
Hege Gundersen
Undersøkelse av tunnelvann, slam og uomsatt sprengstoff under drivingen av Espatunnelen på E6
Sissel Brit Ranneklev, Øyvind Garmo, Karina Petersen, Hedda Vikan
De blå skogene, deres karbonopptak og -lagring
Hege Gundersen, Sindre Langaas
Kan dyrking av tare bli det store norske lakseeventyret
Hege Gundersen
Korttidseffekter på elvelevende bunnfauna av kloraminbehandling mot parasitten Gyrodactylus salaris i Glitra
Tor Erik Eriksen
Surface waters: the overlooked factor in the forestry climate mitigation debate? (SURFER)
Frode Sundnes
Overvåking av referanseelver 2017. Basisovervåking i henhold til vannforskriften
Therese Fosholt Moe, Jan-Erik Thrane, Jonas Persson, Knut Andreas Eikland Bækkelie, Knut Marius Myrvold, Kjetil Olstad
Thin layers of mine tailings have short- and long-term effects on benthic communities
Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Hege Gundersen, Morten Schaanning