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Variation in population structure and standing stocks of kelp along multiple environmental gradients and implications for ecosystem services
Hege Gundersen, Eli Rinde, Trine Bekkby, Kasper Hancke, Janne K Gitmark, Hartvig Christie
Tiltaksorientert overvåking av Husebybukta på Lista i 2020. Overvåking for Alcoa Lista.
Sigurd Øxnevad, Dag Øystein Hjermann
In Silico Identification of Chemicals Capable of Binding to the Ecdysone Receptor
Claire L. Mellor, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Carlie LaLone, Mark TD Cronin, James W. Firman
Passive Samplers vs Sentinel Organisms: One-Year Monitoring of Priority and Emerging Contaminants in Coastal Waters
Marina G Pintado-Herrera, Ian J Allan, Eduardo González-Mazo, Pablo A Lara-Martín
A Bayesian approach to incorporating spatiotemporal variation and uncertainty limits into modeling of predicted environmental concentrations from chemical monitoring campaigns
Raoul Wolf, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
New production across the shelf-edge in the northeastern North Sea during the stratified summer period
Jørgen Bendtsen, Katherine Richardson
Juncus Bulbosus Tissue Nutrient Concentrations and Stoichiometry in Oligotrophic Ecosystems: Variability with Seasons, Growth Forms, Organs and Habitats
Therese Fosholt Moe, Dag Olav Hessen, Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars
Probabilistic risk assessment of pesticides under present and future agricultural and climate scenarios using a Bayesian Network
Sophie Mentzel, Merete Grung, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Marianne Stenrød, Roger Holten, S. Jannicke Moe
Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Pesticides of a rice field in Spain: A Bayesian Network Approach
Sophie Mentzel, Merete Grung, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Marianne Stenrød, Petersen Karina, S. Jannicke Moe
Tiltaksrettet overvåking for Hydro Aluminium Karmøy i 2017
Sigurd Øxnevad, Jarle Håvardstun
Individual heterogeneity and early life conditions shape growth in a freshwater top predator
Chloé Rebecca Nater, Atle Rustadbakken, Torbjørn Ergon, Øystein Langangen, S. Jannicke Moe, Yngvild Vindenes
Experimental addition of nitrogen to a whole forest ecosystem at Gårdsjön, Sweden (NITREX): Nitrate leaching during 26 years of treatment
Filip Moldan, Sara Jutterström, Jakub Hruska, Richard Frederic Wright
Effects of cnidarian biofouling on salmon gill health and development of amoebic gill disease
Nina Bloecher, Mark Powell, Sigurd Hytterød, Mona Cecilie Gjessing, Jannicke Wiik-Nielsen, Saima Mohammad
Development of a qPCR assay to detect and quantify ichthyotoxic flagellates along the Norwegian coast, and the first Norwegian record of Fibrocapsa japonica (Raphidophyceae)
Anette Engesmo, David Strand, Sandra Gran-Stadniczeñko, Bente Edvardsen, Linda K. Medlin, Wenche Eikrem
Kostnadsrapportering, nyttevurdering og verktøy for prioritering av tiltak i vannforvaltningsplanarbeidet i vannregion Glomma
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Sammenlignende laboratorieprøving (SLP) – Industriavløpsvann SLP 1756
Tina Bryntesen
To grytehullsjøer på Hensmoen, Buskerud fylke Ferskvannsbiologisk dokumentasjon av Storetjern og Lilletjern
Bjørn Walseng, Marit Mjelde
Tiltaksrettet overvåking av Ranfjorden i 2017. Overvåking for Mo Industripark AS, Celsa Armeringsstål AS, Elkem Rana AS, Glencore Manganese Norway AS, Rana Gruber AS og Miljøteknikk Terrateam AS
Sigurd Øxnevad
Tiltaksrettet overvåking av Sunndalsfjorden i 2017. Overvåking for Hydro Aluminium Sunndal
Sigurd Øxnevad, Jarle Håvardstun
Miljøovervåking ved tildekking av forurenset sjøbunn i Lundevågen, Farsund.
Sigurd Øxnevad, Medyan Antonsen, Jarle Håvardstun, Anne Luise Ribeiro