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Toxicity of the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) of a petrogenic oil
Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Jorunn Nerbø Hokstad, Alf Glein Melbye, Odd Gunnar Brakstad, Bjørn Henrik Hansen
Food web accumulation of cyclic siloxanes in Lake Mjøsa, Norway
Katrine Borgå, Eirik Fjeld, Amelie Kierkegaard, Michael S. McLachlan
Passive Sampling of Organic Contaminants in Waters
Christopher Peter Harman, Ian Allan, Kevin V Thomas
Combined effects of oestrogen receptor antagonists on in vitro vitellogenesis
Karina Petersen, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Latitudinal Distribution of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Pelagic and Demersal Marine Fish on the Norwegian Coast
Jan Ove Bustnes, Katrine Borgå, Timothy David Dempster, Elisabeth Lie, Torgeir Nygård, Ingebrigt Uglem
Småkreps i ferskvann - hvite områder på artskartet
Thomas Correll Jensen, Markus Lindholm
Trophic Magnification Factors: Considerations of Ecology, Ecosystems, and Study Design
Katrine Borgå, Karen A. Kidd, Derek C.G. Muir, Olof Berglund, Jason M. Conder, Frank A.P.C. Gobas
Havet tar opp CO2!
Gisle Nondal, Are Olsen
Haptophytes of the Nervion River estuary, northern Spain
Sergio Seoane, Wenche Eikrem, Jon Arluzea, Emma Orive
Dissolved and Particulate Forms of Iron and Manganese in the Redox Zone of the Black Sea
S. V. Pakhomova, A.G. Rozanov, Evgeny Yakushev
Home-range estimation within complex restricted environments: importance of method selection in detecting seasonal change
Carolyn M. Knight, Robert E. Kenward, Rodolphe E. Gozlan, Kathryn H. Hodder, Sean S. Walls, Martyn C. Lucas
Masking effect of anti-androgens on androgenic activity in European river sediment unveiled by effect-directed analysis
Jana M. Weiss, Timo Hamers, Kevin V Thomas, Sander van der Linden, Pim E.G. Leonards, Marja H. Lamoree
Sea urchin grazing and kelp re-vegetation in the NE Atlantic
Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Hartvig C Christie
Overvåkning av miljøgifter i fisk og skalldyr fra grenlandsfjordene 2011
Anders Ruus, Birger Bjerkeng, Torgeir Heggelund Bakke, Halvor Knutsen
Combined Effects of Selected Pollutants and Climate Change in the Arctic Environment
Roland Kallenborn, Katrine Borgå, Jesper H. Christensen, Mark Dowdall, Jon Øyvind Odland, Anders Ruus
Towards European harmonised procedures for quantification of nutrient losses from diffuse sources-the EUROHARP project
B. Kronvang, Stig Borgvang, Line Johanne Barkved
Legemidler som forurensning
Merete Grung, Katherine Langford, Kevin V Thomas
A new algorithm for simultaneous retrieval of aerosol ad marine parameters in coastal environments
Knut Stamnes, Wei Li, Y. Fan, Børge Hamre, Øyvind Frette, Are Folkestad
Markus Lindholm
Importance of the different manganese species in the formation of water column redox zones: Observations and modeling
Evgeny Yakushev, Svetlana Pakhomova, Kai Sørenson, Jens Skei