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Involved from NIVA (16)
Ailbhe Lisette Macken
Ana Margarida Pinto Costa
Andreas Ballot
News articles (1)
Microalgae – important ingredients in the green shift
Microalgae are a renewable resource. They absorb CO2 as they grow and reproduce themselves at a rapid pace. It is time to put them to use.
Pages (3)
Algae Lab
Algae Pilot Cultivation Facility
Bloomin' Algae
Projects (3)
ALGECO (Cost-effective algae technology to promote circular economy development of Norwegian wastewater treatment plants) provides a scientific blueprint for a new paradigm of bioeconomy for Norwegian wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). We aim to transform municipal treated wastewater from waste into algae-based products by developing and implementing innovative, cost-effective and viable algae technologies.
LOCALITY will develop new solutions to use nutrient-rich industrial wastewaters and Baltic and North Seas water to cultivate algae using infrastructures available locally and transform them into innovative products (aquafeed supplements, biostimulants/fertilizers, protein alternatives, nutraceuticals, textile additives).
Plastic pollution in freshwater environments is a pressing global concern due to its ability to accumulate in the environment. The long-term impacts of this pollution on freshwater ecosystems are still to understand. In PATTERN project, we aim to understand how plastics can influence nutrient composition and the natural exchanges in biological information, with a focus on the biofilms colonizing plastic’s surface. We aim to rate the environmental relevance of these processes and to assess the threshold at which plastic pollution disrupts freshwater ecosystem functioning.
Research sections (2)
Ecotoxicology and risk assessment
The section covers all aspects of environmental hazards and risk assessments of chemicals. We are continuously developing new systems and improving existing methods, to better assess the effects of chemical substances in both freshwater and marine environments.
The section bridges fundamental knowledge and technology, industry, stakeholders, and consumers.