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Algae Pilot Cultivation Facility

The Algae Pilot Cultivation Facility establishes a bridge between the microalgae research developed at the laboratory and their commercial use. Microalgae cultures can be scaled in different photobioreactors up to 3000L.

The Solbergstrand pilot facility offers the possibility of microalgae cultivation in different photobioreactors (PBRs), such as bubble columns, flat panels, and raceway ponds, from 3 to 3000L. The activities developed here aim to compare and improve the PBRs and operational cultivation strategies. Harvesting and drying equipment are also available, allowing for biomass recovery for further biochemical analysis or product prototyping.

The pilot cultivation research activities and services include:

  • Assessment of cultures' productivities at the pilot scale, using different reactors;
  • Pilot indoor and outdoor cultivation;
  • Growth optimization;
  • Talor made biomass;
  • Innovative microalgae-based products and solutions;
  • Circular economy;
  • Sustainable value-chains.

The current ongoing projects directly involve the industry and private sector and consider their technical needs and commercial interests.