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Strategy towards producing relevant and reliable data for the hazard assessment of micro- and nanoplastics in agricultural soils
Anita Jemec Kokalj, Gabriela Kalčíková, Salla Selonen, Thijs Bosker, Damjana Drobne, Darina Dvořáková
Bioenergetics of simultaneous oxygen and nitrate respiration and nitric oxide production in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa agar colony biofilm
Paul Stoodley, Nina Toelke, Carsten Schwermer, Dirk de Beer
Not in it for the money: Meaningful relationships sustain voluntary land conservation initiatives in Peru
Rocío López de la Lama, Nathan Bennett, Janette Bulkan, Santiago de la Puente, Kai M. A. Chan
Reduced bioavailability of Au and isotopically enriched 109Ag nanoparticles transformed through a pilot wastewater treatment plant in Hyalella azteca under environmentally relevant exposure scenarios
Sebastian Kühr, Ralf Kaegi, johannes Raths, Brian Sinnet, Marco Kipf, Mark Rehkämper
Vertical transport of microplastics from agricultural mulching films and associated chemical additives in soil ecosystems
Rachel Hurley, Chiara Consolaro, Sam van Loon, Aristeidis S. Tsagkaris, Darina Dvořáková, Lotte de Jeu
Microplastic fate in soil environments: Drivers of the vertical transport of mulching film fragments
Rachel Hurley, Chiara Consolaro, Sam van Loon, Nina Tuscano Buenaventura, Lotte de Jeu, Laura J. Zantis
Vertical Transport of Microplastic Fragments from Mulching Films and Associated Chemical Additives in Soil Ecosystems
Rachel Hurley, Chiara Consolaro, Sam van Loon, Nina Tuscano Buenaventura, Aristeidis S. Tsagkaris, Darina Dvorakova
Simulering av kystvannskvaliteten i Oslofjorden med MARTINI800 modellen
Philip Wallhead
Land use change and coastal water darkening drive synchronous dynamics in phytoplankton and fish phenology on centennial time scales
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Christian Lindemann, Øyvind Fiksen, Dag Olav Hessen, Tom Andersen, Dag Lorents Aksnes
Spawning fish maintain trophic synchrony across time and space beyond thermal drivers
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Peter James Wright, Geir Blom, Hannes Höffle, Christian Lindemann, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Velkommen til MAREA webinar: Kan FNs nye system for naturregnskap hjelpe Oslofjorden på rett kjøl?
Wenting Chen, Eva Næss Karlsen
Økonomiske verdier i Oslofjorden- Naturregnskap for Helhetlig plan for Oslofjorden
Wenting Chen, David Nicholas Barton
Naturregnskap for kystplanlegging i Oslofjorden
Wenting Chen
Milder, wilder, drier: Understanding preferences for urban nature-based solutions in China
Maximilian Nawrath, Kathinka Fürst, Michael Hutchins, Isabel Seifert-Dähnn
Biological testing of ships’ ballast water indicates challenges for the implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention
Okko Outinen, Sarah A. Bailey, Oscar Casas-Monroy, Stephanie Delacroix, Sonia Gorgula, Evelina Griniene
An ecotoxicological assessment of a strigolactone mimic used as the active ingredient in a plant biostimulant formulation
Steven Brooks, Tania Gomes, Ana Catarina Almeida, Maria Christou, Congying Zheng, Sergey Shaposhnikov
Kinetic Isotope Effects During Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II): Large Normal and Inverse Isotope Effects for Abiotic Reduction and Smaller Fractionations by Phytoplankton in Culture
S.G. John, E.A. Boyle, B.R. Cunningham, F.-X. Fu, S. Greene, C. Hodierne
Creation of an international laboratory network towards global microplastics monitoring harmonisation
Adil Bakir, Alexandra R. McGoran, Briony Silburn, Josie Russell, Holly Nel, Amy Lorraine Lusher
Multigenerational toxicity of microplastics derived from two types of agricultural mulching films to Folsomia candida
Sam van Loon, Lotte de Jeu, Rachel Hurley, Sarmite Kernchen, Marlon Fenner, Cornelis A.M. van Gestel
Beyond the food on your plate: Investigating sources of microplastic contamination in home kitchens
Vilde Kloster Snekkevik, Matthew Cole, Alessio Gomiero, Marte Haave, Farhan R. Khan, Amy Lorraine Lusher