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Environmental Contaminants in an Urban Fjord, 2014
Anders Ruus, Ian Allan, Bjørnar Beylich, Kine Bæk, Martin Schlabach, Morten Helberg
Environmental Contaminants in an Urban Fjord, 2015
Anders Ruus, Kine Bæk, Karina Petersen, Ian Allan, Bjørnar Beylich, Martin Schlabach
Determining the effects of the discharge effluent from the Karmøy aluminium smelter using an integrated biological effects approach
Steven Brooks, Tania Gomes, Merete Grung, Ailbhe Macken
Sustainable microalgae-based technology for biotransformation of benzalkonium chloride in oil and gas produced water: A laboratory-scale study
Adrián Jaén-Gil, Laura Ferrando-Climent, Imma Ferrer, E. Michael Thurman, Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz, Damià Barceló
High-throughput analyses and Bayesian network modeling highlight novel epigenetic Adverse Outcome Pathway networks of DNA methyltransferase inhibitor mediated transgenerational effects
You Song, Jorke H Kamstra, Yang Cao, Jana Asselman, Marc Anglès d'Auriac, Nikolai Friberg
Diversity of Microcystis aeruginosa isolates (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria) from East-African water bodies
Sigrid Haande, Andreas Ballot, Thomas Rohrlack, Jutta Fastner, Claudia Wiedner, Bente Edvardsen
Characterization of the Bago Sub-basin Pilot implementing the EU Water Framework Directive
Tor Erik Eriksen, Ingrid Nesheim, Nikolai Friberg, Toe Toe Aung, Zaw Win Myint
Variation in Phenolic Chemistry in Zostera marina Seagrass Along Environmental Gradients
Cecilie Sævdal Dybsland, Trine Bekkby, Kjersti Hasle Enerstvedt, Olav M Kvalheim, Eli Rinde, Monica Jordheim
Microfiber Hotspots’ Association with Ships in a Remote Port before and during Covid-19
Guyu Peng, Caroline Mengeot, Chunhua Jiang, Baile Xu, Xin Zhong, You Song
Pinnatoxin G is responsible for atypical toxicity in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and clams (Venerupis decussata) from Ingril, a French Mediterranean lagoon
Philipp Hess, Eric Abadie, Fabienne Herve, Tom Berteaux, Véronique Séchet, Romulo Araoz
Ecotoxicological Impacts of Micro- and Nanoplastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments
Tania Gomes, Agathe Bour, Claire Coutris, Ana Catarina Almeida, Inger Lise Nerland Bråte, Raoul Wolf
Microcystin concentrations in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) caught from Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria andLake Mburo: Uganda
Ronald Paul Semyalo, Thomas Rohrlack, Christine Naggawa, George W Nyakairu
Recovery of macroinvertebrate species richness in acidified upland waters assessed with a field toxicity model
Anthony Stockdale, Edward Tipping, Arne Fjellheim, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Alan Hildrew, Stephen Lofts
Concentration and Distribution of Naphthenic Acids in the Produced Water from Offshore Norwegian North Sea Oilfields
Saer Samanipour, Malcolm J Reid, Jan Thomas Rundberget, Tone K. Frost, Kevin V Thomas
Impact assessment for the marine environment of installation of sea cable on the route Sandvika - Varpet in Rognsfjorden (Norway)
Mats Gunnar Walday, Morten Schaanning
Environmental contaminants in fish and zooplankton from Lake Mjøsa, 2012
Eirik Fjeld, Ellen Katrin Enge, Sigurd Rognerud, Jarl Eivind Løvik
Uncertainties in assessing the environmental impact of amine emissions from a CO2 capture plant
Matthias Karl, Nuria Castell, David Simpson, Sverre Solberg, Jostein Starrfelt, Tove Marit Svendby
Geochemical Markers as a Tool for the Characterization of a Multi-Layer Urban Aquifer: The Case Study of Como (Northern Italy)
Gilberto Binda, Francesca Frascoli, Davide Spanu, Maria F. Ferrario, Silvia Terrana, Roberto Gambillara
Diversity and distribution of nano- and picoplankton in Antarctic and Arctic waters
Lars Nersveen, Wenche Eikrem, Tom Andersen, Bente Edvardsen
The presence of pinnatoxins in Norwegian mussels
Christopher O. Miles, Thomas Rundberget, Morten Sandvik, John A. Aasen Bunæs, Andrew I. Selwood