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Spawning fish maintains trophic synchrony across time and space beyond thermal drivers
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Peter J. Wright, Geir Blom, Hannes Höffle, Christian Lindemann, Olav Sigurd Kjesbu
Optimal growth conditions of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri causing massive fish mortality in Northern Norway
Mathias Fon, Luka Supraha, Tom Andersen, Silvio Uhlig, Bente Edvardsen
Hazard and catch composition of ghost fishing gear revealed by a citizen science clean-up initiative
Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Ann-Elin Synnes, Ingrid Disch Løset, Alf Ring Kleiven
Three decades of increasing fish biodiversity across the northeast Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean
Francesc Gordo Vilaseca, Fabrice Stephenson, Marta Coll, Charles Patrick Lavin, Mark John Costello
Marine spatial planning: Risk or opportunity for fisheries in the north sea?
Svein Jentoft, Maaike Knol
Human exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) via the consumption of fish leads to exceedance of safety thresholds
Håkon Austad Langberg, Gijsbert Dirk Breedveld, Roland Kallenborn, Aasim Musa Mohamed Ali, Sarah Choyke, Carrie McDonough
Prossesskjemikalier fra mineralutvinning og eventuelt opptak i fisk
Carlos Escudero-Oñate, Katharina Bjarnar Løken
Source apportioned input of nutrients to Norwegian Coastal areas in 2014. Tables, charts and maps.
John Rune Selvik, Tore Høgåsen
Global transcriptional analysis of short-term hepatic stress responses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to depleted uranium
You Song, Brit Salbu, Hans-Christian Teien, Lene Sørlie Heier, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Tore Høgåsen
Test fishing by using Nordic gill nets in Lake Kolbotnvann, Southern Norway. Recommendations and measures
Hans Mack Berger, Karl Jan Aanes
Time and PH-dependent detoxification of aluminum in mixing zones between acid and non-acid rivers
Frode Kroglund, Hans-Christian Teien, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Brit Salbu
Predation risk alters life history strategies in an oceanic copepod
Kristina Øie Kvile, Dag Altin, Lotte Thommesen, Emma Rebecka Josefin Titelman
Remote, autonomous real‑time monitoring of environmental DNA from commercial fish
Brian K Hansen, Magnus W Jacobsen, Anne Lise Middelboe, Christina M. Preston, Roman Marin III, Dorte Bekkevold
Beach litter sources around Nuuk, Greenland: An analysis by UArctic summer school graduate course students
Marthe Larsen Haarr, Lis Bach, Catherine P. Chambers, Jannike Falk-Andersson, Thomas Juul-Pedersen, Ryan d'Arcy Metcalfe
Organochlorine contaminants in a local marine food chain from Jarfjord, Northern Norway
Anders Ruus, Karl Ugland, Oscar Espeland, Janneche Utne Skaare
A shift in habitat use patterns of brown trout (Salmo trutta): A behavioural response to macrophyte removal
Kirstine Thiemer, Robert Lennox, Astrid Torske, Susanne C Schneider, Thrond O Haugen
No additional stress of sublethal gas supersaturation in a landlocked population of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) exposed to environmental acidification
Erik Höglund, Lifen Zhou Loland, Rolf Høgberget, Peter Vilhelm Skov, Gaute Velle
Monitoring of contaminants in fish and shellfish from Grenlandsfjordene 2012
Anders Ruus, Torgeir Heggelund Bakke, Birger Bjerkeng, Halvor Knutsen
Phosphate fertilization of Lake Ringedalsvatnet – an oligotrophic hydroelectric reservoir
Eirik Fjeld, Sigurd Rognerud
In Inland China, Rice, Rather than Fish, Is the Major Pathway for Methylmercury Exposure
Hua Zhang, Xinbin Feng, Thorjørn Larssen, Guangle Qiu, Rolf David Vogt