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Sulphate removal by membrane filtration minimizes the risk of hydrogen sulphide formation in fixed bed biofilters
Paulo Fernandes, Sanni L Aalto, Helga Ø Åsnes, Paula Andrea Rojas-Tirado, Åse Åtland, Carlos Octavio Letelier-Gordo
Scaling of body-shape quality in reared gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L. Consumer preference assessment, wild standard and variability in reared phenotype
Stefanos Fragkoulis, Maria Christou, Roberto Karo, Christos Ritas, Costas Tzokas, Costas Batargias
Advancing Nature-Based Solutions in the Nordics: Insights from Eight Pilot Projects. Presentation and moderation of a dialogue with some of the pilot project leaders.
Line Johanne Barkved
The politics of climate change adaptation, vulnerability, and conflict dynamics: insights from southeastern Myanmar
Marianne Mosberg
Kan laks få trykkfallsyke av brønnbåtoperasjoner?
Ivar Rønnestad, Alf Seljenes Dalum, Silje Stensby-Skjærvik, Kåre Segadal, Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga, Linda Andersen
Social and genetic connectivity despite ecological variation in a killer whale network
Eve Marie Jourdain, Richard Karoliussen, Sarah Louise Martin, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Todd Robeck, Katrine Borgå
Optimal growth conditions of the haptophyte Chrysochromulina leadbeateri causing massive fish mortality in Northern Norway
Mathias Fon, Luka Supraha, Tom Andersen, Silvio Uhlig, Bente Edvardsen
Overvåking i referanseelver Oppsummering av data for perioden 2017-2023
Tor Erik Eriksen, Jan-Erik Thrane, Knut Marius Myrvold, Merete Grung, Rolf David Vogt, Gaute Velle
Climate change and ecological assessment in Europe under the WFD – Hitting moving targets with shifting baselines?
Gary Free, Sandra Poikane, Anne Lyche Solheim, Martina Bussettini, Catherine Bradley, Jean Smith
Hazard and catch composition of ghost fishing gear revealed by a citizen science clean-up initiative
Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, Ann-Elin Synnes, Ingrid Disch Løset, Alf Ring Kleiven
Fishery catch is affected by geographic expansion, fishing down food webs and climate change in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Charles Patrick Lavin, Daniel Pauly, Donna Dimarchopoulou, Cui Liang, Mark John Costello
Exploring the user-producer interface of weather and sea ice information for Arctic marine mobilities: a dedicated session at the Ninth International Congress on Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS)
Machiel Lamers, Maaike Knol, Gita Ljubicic
Correction to: Warm and cold temperatures limit the maximum body length of teleost fishes across a latitudinal gradient in Norwegian waters (Environmental Biology of Fishes, (2022), 105, 10, (1415-1429), 10.1007/s10641-022-01270-4)
Charles Patrick Lavin, Cesc Gordó-Vilaseca, Mark John Costello, Zhiyuan Shi, Fabrice Stephenson, Arnaud Grüss
Sea ice variability and maritime activity around Svalbard in the period 2012–2019
Alexandra N. Stocker, Angelika Renner, Maaike Knol-Kauffman
The transformation of the oceans and the future of marine social science
Peter Arbo, Maaike Knol, Sebastian Linke, Kevin John St. Martin
Ice edge retreating: influence on maritime traffic around Svalbard
Alexandra Stocker, Angelika Renner, Maaike Knol-Kauffman
Sustainability conflicts in the Blue Economy: Planning for offshore aquaculture and offshore wind development in Norway
Maaike Knol-Kauffman, Kåre Nolde Nielsen, Peter Arbo
Warmer temperature decreases the maximum length of six species of marine fishes, crustacean, and squid in New Zealand
Charles Patrick Lavin, Francesc Gordo Vilaseca, Fabrice Stephenson, Zhiyuan Shi, Mark John Costello
Three decades of increasing fish biodiversity across the northeast Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean
Francesc Gordo Vilaseca, Fabrice Stephenson, Marta Coll, Charles Patrick Lavin, Mark John Costello
Utslepp av kjølevatn til Idsefjorden frå planlagt datasenter på Jørpeland. Konsekvensvurdering for marint miljø
Lars Gunder Golmen, Mats Gunnar Walday, Anfisa Berezina, Pipatthra Saesin