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Monitoring and training program related to water quality and fish health in marine juvenile facilities
Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga, Torill Vik Johannessen, Åse Åtland
Monitoring of Lake Vestvannet and Lake Borredalsdammen in Østfold County, SE Norway, 2014
Camilla H. Corneliussen Hagman
Assessment of discharge of wastewater from the VEAS overflow pipe in Lysakerfjorden.
Andre Staalstrøm, Torulv Tjomsland, Ingun Tryland, Magdalena Kempa
Sodium silicate as alternative to liming-reduced aluminium toxicity for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in unstable mixing zones
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Åse Åtland, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Brit Salbu
Evaluating effects of weed cutting on water level reductions and ecological status in Danish lowland streams
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Niels Bering Ovesen, Søren Erik Larsen, Dagmar K Andersen, Tenna Riis, Jes Jessen Rasmussen
Effekter av ulv på elgbestanden : da ulven kom og forsvant fra Koppangkjølen Effects of wolves on moose : when the wolf came and went from Koppangkjølen
Torstein Storaas, Simen Pedersen, Simen Pedersen, Harry P. Andreassen, Jon Martin Arnemo, Michael Dötterer
Effects of exposing shrimp larvae (Pandalus borealis) to aquaculture pesticides at field relevant concentrations, with and without food limitation
Renèe Katrin Bechmann, Maj Arnberg, Shaw Bamber, Emily Lyng, Stig Westerlund, Jan Thomas Rundberget
Integrative assessment of low-dose gamma radiation effects on Daphnia magna reproduction: Toxicity pathway assembly and AOP development
You Song, Li Xie, YeonKyeong Lee, Dag Anders Brede, Fern Lyne, Yetneberk Kassaye
Stable isotope analysis indicates positive effects of river restoration on aquatic-terrestrial linkages
Benjamin Kupilas, Brendan G McKie, Kathrin Januschke, Nikolai Friberg, Daniel Hering
Investigative monitoring of watercourses in connection to the larvikitt quarries in the Larvik area. Results from benthic algae and macroinvertebrates 2015
Therese Fosholt Moe, Jonas Persson, Jens Vedal
Vertical mixing and internal wave energy fluxes in a sill fjord
Andre Staalstrøm, Lars Petter Røed
Recovery of macroinvertebrate species richness in acidified upland waters assessed with a field toxicity model
Anthony Stockdale, Edward Tipping, Arne Fjellheim, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Alan Hildrew, Stephen Lofts
Influence of wintering area on persistent organic pollutants in a breeding migratory seabird
Eliza H. K. Leat, Sophie Bourgeon, Ellen Magnusdottir, Geir W. Gabrielsen, W James Grecian, Sveinn Are Hanssen
New production across the shelf-edge in the northeastern North Sea during the stratified summer period
Jørgen Bendtsen, Katherine Richardson
Effects of cnidarian biofouling on salmon gill health and development of amoebic gill disease
Nina Bloecher, Mark Powell, Sigurd Hytterød, Mona Cecilie Gjessing, Jannicke Wiik-Nielsen, Saima Mohammad
Effects of pollution-induced changes in oxygen conditions scaling up from individuals to ecosystems in a tropical river network
Tor Erik Eriksen, Dean Jacobsen, Benoît O.L. Demars, John E Brittain, Geir Søli, Nikolai Friberg
Extreme Low Light Requirement for Algae Growth Underneath Sea Ice: A Case Study from Station Nord, NE Greenland
Kasper Hancke, Lars Chresten Lund-Hansen, Maxim L Lamare, Stine Højlund Pedersen, Martin D King, Per Andersen
Thin layer capping of fjord sediments in Grenland. Chemical and biological monitoring 2009-2013
Morten Schaanning, Bjørnar Beylich, Caroline Raymond, Jonas S. Gunnarsson
Assessing Tolerance to the Hydrodynamic Exposure of Posidonia oceanica Seedlings Anchored to Rocky Substrates
Arturo Zenone, Fabio Badalamenti, Adriana Alagna, Stanislav N. Gorb, Eduardo Infantes
Towards a future without stocking: harvest and river regulation determine long-term population viability of migratory salmonids
Chloe Rebecca Nater, Marlene Wæge Stubberud, Øystein Ole Gahr Langangen, Atle Rustadbakken, S. Jannicke Moe, Torbjørn Ergon