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Impact of changing weather patterns on bathing water and seafood quality from the Inner Oslofjord

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Ingun Tryland, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Christian Vogelsang, Torulv Tjomsland, Anna-Lena Beschorner, Fasil Eregno, Lucy Robertson, Mette Myrmel, Øyvin Østensvik


The project Water Quality Tools was conducted in the period 2012-2015. Results from the project have been presented in various reports, articles, and at conferences. This report contains a summary of the main results and also includes data that have not been presented elsewhere. The aim of the project was to obtain new knowledge, analytical methods, and modeling tools, which may be useful for the municipalities in their efforts to ensure good hygienic water quality at current and future bathing locations in the Inner Oslofjord. Several case studies were able to demonstrate how rainfall events may affect the hygienic water quality in different rivers and at different locations in the Inner Oslofjord.