Aina Charlotte Wennberg holds a MSc Tech in chemistry and biotechnology from NTNU and is specialized in microbiology.
Wennberg has been working at NIVA since 2010 and has experience from a broad scientific field related to risk assessment of microorganisms according to various regulations, including chemical regulations REACH, CLP and Biocides, drinking and bathing water quality requirements, treatment requirements for aquaculture and ballast water. She has been project manager for assignments from both the Norwegian Environmental Agency, water works and industry.
She is currently doing a PhD on the topic of improving methods for persistence assessments of chemicals and is also vice chair of an international interest group within this field connected to SETAC. She is qualified as study director and test personnel in the GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) system for biodegradation tests according to OECD 301 and 306 and is appointed expert by The Norwegian Environmental Agency to the OECD working group for assessment of new methods.
Previously she has been responsible for the bacteriology laboratory at NIVA and have wide experience in various microbial methods, including culturing, molecular analysis, ATP, and flowcytometry for detection of bacteria, in addition to work related to antimicrobial resistance. She has also been involved with projects related to aquaculture, such as disinfection of the amoebae that causes AGD. She has international experience from working in projects in both India and Hungary.
Wennberg has been working at NIVA since 2010 and has experience from a broad scientific field related to risk assessment of microorganisms according to various regulations, including chemical regulations REACH, CLP and Biocides, drinking and bathing water quality requirements, treatment requirements for aquaculture and ballast water. She has been project manager for assignments from both the Norwegian Environmental Agency, water works and industry.
She is currently doing a PhD on the topic of improving methods for persistence assessments of chemicals and is also vice chair of an international interest group within this field connected to SETAC. She is qualified as study director and test personnel in the GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) system for biodegradation tests according to OECD 301 and 306 and is appointed expert by The Norwegian Environmental Agency to the OECD working group for assessment of new methods.
Previously she has been responsible for the bacteriology laboratory at NIVA and have wide experience in various microbial methods, including culturing, molecular analysis, ATP, and flowcytometry for detection of bacteria, in addition to work related to antimicrobial resistance. She has also been involved with projects related to aquaculture, such as disinfection of the amoebae that causes AGD. She has international experience from working in projects in both India and Hungary.