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SmartLagoon (Innovative modelling approaches for predicting Socio-environMentAl evolution in highly anthRopized coasTal LAGOONs) is about understanding the interrelationships of socio-economic activities and environmental degradation and vice versa for the case of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon in Spain.

Air photo og lagoon and ocean
Project period
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Research section
Water and society

About the project

The SmartLagoon project is about building a systemic understanding of the socio-environmental interrelationships that affect the Mar Menor coastal lagoon and their ecosystem. It is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program and aims to use innovative technologies to monitor, model, analyze and understand the natural and socio-economic processes that have led to a deterioration of the lagoon environment. The models will help to forecast short-time changes in the natural conditions of the lagoon (i.e. upcoming algae blooms), as well as to assess the long-term impact of different policies on the natural environment as well as on socio-economic activities (i.e. number of employees in different sectors, changes in GDP).

NIVA is responsible for building through an iterative process together with stakeholders a system dynamics model, that is able to simulate the socio-economic dynamics and integrate that with catchment and lagoon models developed by the other partners.

System dynamics decision support tool.