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RefLab: Tools for reflexive practice in environmental citizen science

An increased use of Citizen Science (CS) on environmental issues requires strengthened reflexive practice among all actors, across roles, involved in CS projects. 

About the project

Citizen Science is a popular approach in the collection of environmental data, and thus has an important role in the further development of knowledge-based environmental governance. The project RefLab contributes to develop capacities on how to include citizens, volunteers and other participants outside of academia in reflecting on perceptions of roles, expectations, data quality and methods, as well as research responsibility, risks and ethics. CS practices are discussed methodically in academia, however, with limited focus on the potential that lies in including Citizen Scientists in project evaluations and in reflexive practices around project design and methods. This project will examine experiences and challenges of participation and co-research within environmental Citizen Science. 


The core of the Reflab project are three reflection workshops in 2024. These are open to anyone with experience in Citizen Science. The project working language is Norwegian, following the Norwegian Citizen Science Network’s working language. If you are looking for an exchange with other CS enthusiasts, join some or all workshops, to share experiences, build capacities and increase learning.