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MERLIN is an EU-funded Innovation project implementing nature-based solutions to help deliver the environmental, societal and economic goals of the European Green Deal.

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About the project

Project name: Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration of freshwater-related ecosystems in a Landscape context: INnovation, upscaling and transformation (MERLIN)

Ecosystem restoration needs to be transformed to address both the climate and biodiversity crises and support a shift to an inclusive, green economy. Implementing nature-based solutions (NbS) at a large landscape scale lies at the heart of the European Green Deal strategy for this transformation. In this context, the EU-funded MERLIN project demonstrates best practices for implementing NbS for freshwater restoration to achieve, not just biodiversity restoration, but also to tackle societal and economic challenges. This includes increased resilience of society to climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creation of green jobs, supporting the green transformation of agriculture and energy sectors, and increased inclusion of communities in environmental management.

Bringing together 47 partners from across Europe, including universities, research institutes and nature conservation organisations, as well as stakeholders for businesses, governments and municipalities, the project demonstrates the impacts of implementing NbS through 18 large-scale freshwater and wetland restoration projects across Europe, transforming them into beacons of innovation for wider uptake. The project includes investments of 10 million Euro in practical measures to increase scale-up restoration at these demonstration sites.

Upscaling to the European level, MERLIN will identify landscapes with high potential for transformative restoration and will analyse cost-benefits of restoration scenarios. Economic analyses of European regions will seize green growth opportunities arising from restoration. MERLIN will establish models for private investment into restoration alongside public funding. MERLIN's initiatives will co-design win-win solutions with economic sectors (agriculture, water supply, insurance, navigation) and local communities, spearheading systemic economic, social and environmental change. The MERLIN Academy and virtual marketplace will multiply innovations to the community of practice, investors and policy makers across Europe and beyond. MERLIN is committed to a sustainable, climate-neutral and climate-resilient, inclusive and transformative path, mainstreaming restoration as a cornerstone for systemic change to support delivery of the European Green Deal.

Grant agreement ID: 101036337 funded through Horizon 2020

Coordinator: University of Duisberg Essen, Germany