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Soil fertility and plant diversity enhance microbial performance in metal-polluted soils
Anna M. Stefanowicz, Paweł Kapusta, Grażyna Szarek-Łukaszewska, Krystyna Grodzińska, Maria Niklińska, Rolf David Vogt
Chemistry and Hydrogeological Processes in a Coastal Watershed, South-East Tanzania
Rolf David Vogt, Per Aagaard, Said Suleiman Bakari
Water quality in a changing environment
Rolf David Vogt
The SinoTropia project through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions
Rolf David Vogt
The repeatability of the genomic architecture in a homoploid hybrid species
Caroline Øien Guldvog
What stories will Eutropia and Refresh tell?
Rolf David Vogt
Watershed EUTROphication management of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions through system oriented process modelling
Rolf David Vogt
Elg, fôring og trafikk - Erfaringer fra Evenstad, Norge
Hege Gundersen
A pulse check on the new HR-model
Palma Kristin Larsen
Accumulation of the lipophilic environmental contaminant lindane in metacercariae of Bucephaloides gracilescens (Trematoda, Bucephalidae) in the central nervous system of bullrout Myoxocephalus scorpius
Anders Ruus, Janneche Utne Skaare, Kristian Ingebrigtsen
Accumulation of the lipophilic environmental contaminant lindane in metacercariae of Bucephaloides gracilescens(Trematoda, Bucephalidae) in the central nervous system of bullrout Myoxocephalus scorpius
Anders Ruus, Kristian Ingebrigtsen, Janneche Utne Skåre
Trans-faglig kunnskap nødvendig for å forstå, forutsi og håndtere eutrofiering
Rolf David Vogt
Development of a KNIME Workflow to Identify Ecdysone Receptor Agonists and Antagonists
James W. Firman, Marc Timothy David Cronin, Steve J. Enoch, Judith Clare Madden, Claire Mellor, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Using Automated Size Measurement Software as a Possible New Approach Methodology to Support Adverse Outcome Pathway
Maria Christou, Maria Thérése Hultman, Camila Vicencio Esguerra, Adam David Lillicrap, You Song
Barn og natur : en spørreundersøkelse om kunnskap og holdning til naturen blant norske femteklassinger
Hans Martin Lillebo, Hege Gundersen, Erlend Birkeland Nilsen
Thermally-induced phenotypic plasticity in gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L. (Perciformes, Sparidae)
Michalis Loizides, Efi Georgakopoulou, Maria Christou, Maria Iliopoulou, Ioannis E. Papadakis, Pantelis Katharios
Sublethal exposure to Microcystis aeruginosa extracts during embryonic development reduces aerobic swimming capacity in juvenile zebrafish
Emmanolia Sergi, Michail Orfanakis, Anastasia Dimitriadi, Maria Christou, Anthi Zachopoulou, Chara Kourkouta
Tracking freshwater browning and coastal water darkening from boreal forests to the Arctic Ocean
Anders Martin Frugård Opdal, Tom Andersen, Dag Olav Hessen, Christian Lindemann, Dag Lorents Aksnes
Grigoratou et al. (2022) The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Plankton Workshops: Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting—Research Requirements and Applications
Christian Lindemann
Nitrogenfjerning: Adaptasjon av delvis nitrifisering og anaerob ammonium oksidasjon til RAS-konsentrasjoner
Lea Risnes, Zhitao Huang, Blanca Gonzalez Silva, Stein Wold Østerhus, Olav Vadstein, Ingrid Bakke