Viser 7259 treff
Toward a consensus Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) network for radiation-induced reproductive effects in environmental species
Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Frederic Alonzo, Nicholas Beresford, Dag Anders Brede, Elizabeth Dufourcq-Sekatcheff, Rodolphe Gilbin
Monitoring of physiological responses to low dose gamma radiation in aquatic macrophytes Lemna minor
Li Xie, Knut Asbjørn Solhaug, Ole Christian Lind, Dag Anders Brede, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Multiple stressor effects of ionising (gamma) radiation and non-ionising (UV) radiation in duckweed (Lemna minor)
Li Xie, You Song, Ole Christian Lind, Knut Asbjørn Solhaug, Brit Salbu, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Does UV-B affect sensitivity to gamma radiation in plants?
Dajana Blagojevic, YeonKyeong Lee, Li Xie, Dag Anders Brede, Ole Christian Lind, Brit Salbu
Ecotoxicological mechanisms and models in an impact analysis tool for oil spills
Frederik De Laender, Gro Harlaug Olsen, Tone Karin Frost, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik, Merete Grung, Bjørn Henrik Hansen
On a quest for a conceptual model for Al-leaching from different types of acid soils
Rolf David Vogt, Thorjørn Larssen
Environmental effects on Calanus finmarchicus abundance and depth distribution in the Barents Sea
Kristina Øie Kvile, Irina P. Prokopchuk, Leif Christian Stige
Determination of Engineered Nanomaterial Bioavailability in Amphipods Using Haemolymph Isolation and Single Particle ICP-MS
Sebastian Kuehr, Li Xie, Anastasia Georgantzopoulou
Production and characterisation of environmentally relevant microplastic reference materials for agricultural soils
Rachel Hurley, Sarmite Kernchen, Gilberto Binda, Sabrina Carroccio, Chiara Consolaro, Pierfrancesco Cerruti
Environmental control of phytoplankton distribution and photosynthetic performance at the Jan Mayen Front in the Norwegian Sea
Svein Rune Erga, Nicolausi Ssebiyonga, Børge Hamre, Øyvind Frette, Erlend Kjeldsberg Hovland, Kasper Hancke
Changes in NOM characteristics through watercourses from headwaters to high order streams
Rolf David Vogt, Egil Gjessing
Correlations between DOM characterization parameters and key descriptive parameters of the watershed
Rolf David Vogt, Jarkko Akkanen, Egil T. Gjessing, Jussi Kukkonen, Stephan Pflugmacher, Christian E.W. Steinberg
A Review of the Current (Q)SAR Methods for the Prediction of Mixture Toxicity
Sam J. Belfield, Steve J. Enoch, James W. Firman, Judith Clare Madden, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Marc Timothy David Cronin
Phytoplankton dynamics and cyanobacterial dominance in Murchison Bay of Lake Victoria (Uganda) in relation to environmental conditions
Sigrid Haande, Thomas Rohrlack, Ronald Paul Semyalo, Pål Brettum, Bente Edvardsen, Anne Lyche Solheim
NKL-1915 National Nitrogen Budgets in Scandinavia: consequences for climate change and for eutrophication – synthesis report. Report number C 814
Filip Moldan, Sara Jutterström, Johanna Stadmark, Anu Akujärvi, Martin Forsius, Maria Holmberg
Environmental fate and effects of novel quorum sensing inhibitors that can control biofilm formation
Adam Lillicrap, Ailbhe Macken, Aina Charlotte Wennberg, Merete Grung, Jan Thomas Rundberget, Lene Fredriksen
Blåskjel i bur kan overvake miljøgifter
Merete Schøyen
Caged blue mussels can be used to monitor the environment
Merete Schøyen
Blåskjel i bur som miljødetektivar
Merete Schøyen
Overvåkning av Ytre Oslofjord - Undersøkelser i de frie vannmasser 2023. Fagrapport.
Anette Engesmo, Sandra Gran-Stadniczeñko, Pipatthra Saesin