Viser 401 treff
Community structure and biodiversity of the benthic megafauna at the inactive hydrothermal site Mohn's Treasure, on the Mohn's Ridge, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR)
Emil Paulsen, Torkild Bakken, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Geir Johnsen
Bioaccumulation of PFOS in the Benthic Freshwater Amphipod Hyalella azteca
Carolin Mueller, Sebastian Kuehr, Christian Schlechtriem
Investigations on the bioaccumulation of engineered nanomaterials in the benthic fresh water amphipod Hyalella azteca
Sebastian Kuehr, Lara Hermsen, Burkhardt Knopf, Meisterjahn Boris, Nicola Schröder, Ralf Kaegi
Bioaccumulation of Phenolic Benzotriazoles in the Benthic Freshwater Amphipod Hyalella azteca
Carolin Mueller, Sebastian Kuehr, Christian Schlechtriem
Bioaccumulation of PFOS and GenX in the benthic freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca
Carolin Mueller, Sebastian Kuehr, Caren Rauert, Dirk Maletzki, Christian Schlechtriem
Bioaccumulation of silver nanomaterials in benthic organisms
Sebastian Kuehr, Burkhardt Knopf, Meisterjahn Boris, Stefanie Schneider, Christian Schlechtriem
Bioaccumulation of phenolic benzotriazoles in the benthic freshwater amphipod Hyalella azteca
Carolin Mueller, Sebastian Kuehr, Caren Rauert, Christian Schlechtriem
Ingestion of bivalve droppings by benthic invertebrates may lead to the transfer of nanomaterials in the aquatic food chain
Sebastian Kuehr, Noemi Diehle, Ralf Kaegi, Christian Schlechtriem
Intercalibration of benthic foraminiferal and macrofaunal biotic indices: An example from the Norwegian Skagerrak coast (NE North Sea)
Elisabeth Alve, Silvia Hess, Vincent M P Bouchet, Jane K Dolven, Brage Rygg
Temperature effects on respiration and photosynthesis in three diatom-dominated benthic communities
Kasper Hancke, Ronnie N Glud
Response of marine benthic fauna to thin-layer capping with activated carbon in a large-scale field experiment in the Grenland fjords, Norway
Göran S. Samuelsson, Caroline Raymond, Stefan Agrenius, Morten Schaanning, Gerard Cornelissen, Jonas S. Gunnarsson
SPATT disks, a convenient and cost-effective method for monitoring fish killing algae
Thomas Rundberget, Christopher Miles
How Characean algae take up needed and excrete unwanted ions – An overview explaining how insights from electrophysiology are useful to understand the ecology of aquatic macrophytes
Mary J. Beilby, Mary A. Bisson, Susanne Claudia Schneider
Effekter av drikkevannsregulering på økologisk tilstand i Helgeren
Jan-Erik Thrane, Markus Lindholm, Marit Mjelde, Benoît Olivier Laurent Demars, Johnny Peter Håll, Jens Thaulow
Monitoring of chemical and ecological status in Lassedalsbekken: A seasonal assessment of possible influences from former mining activity
Jan-Erik Thrane, Markus Lindholm, Sissel Brit Ranneklev
Reseña de proyecto: Coralalg, la biodiversidad marina oculta en noruega: búsqueda de especies crípticas en algas rojas coralinas (Norway's hidden marine biodiversity: the hunt for cryptic species within the coralline algae).
Viviana Peña, L Le Gall, Vivian Husa, Ellen Sofie Grefsrud, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Robert S. Steneck
Chronic toxicity of the Sava river (SE Europe) sediments and river water to the algae Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata
Torsten Källqvist, Radmila Milačič, Tvrtko Smital, Kevin V Thomas, S. Vranes, Knut Erik Tollefsen
Knowledge constraints and needs to foster the development of the macroalgae production sector
Aleksander Handå, Ole Jacob Broch, Kasper Hancke, Andreas Myskja Lien, Jorunn Skjermo
Årsovervåking med FerryBox - Indre Oslofjord 2018 - Datarapport
Marit Norli, Louise Valestrand, Wenche Eikrem
Large-scale shift from sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) to ephemeral algae along the south and west coast of Norway
Frithjof Moy, Hartvig C Christie