Viser 2853 treff
Searches for exclusive Higgs and Z boson decays into a vector quarkonium state and a photon using 139 fb - 1 of ATLAS √s=13 TeV proton–proton collision data
G. Aad, B. Abbott, D.C. Abbott, K. Abeling, S.H. Abidi, A. Aboulhorma
Inclusive-photon production and its dependence on photon isolation in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV using 139 fb −1 of ATLAS data
G. Aad, B. Abbott, K. Abeling, S.H. Abidi, A. Aboulhorma, H. Abramowicz
Measurement of the properties of Higgs boson production at √s = 13 TeV in the H → γγ channel using 139 fb−1 of pp collision data with the ATLAS experiment
G. Aad, B. Abbott, D.C. Abbott, K. Abeling, S.H. Abidi, A. Aboulhorma
Search for new phenomena in multi-body invariant masses in events with at least one isolated lepton and two jets using √s = 13 TeV proton–proton collision data collected by the ATLAS detector
G. Aad, B. Abbott, D.C. Abbott, K. Abeling, S.H. Abidi, A. Aboulhorma
Calibration of the light-flavour jet mistagging efficiency of the b-tagging algorithms with Z+jets events using 139 fb - 1 of ATLAS proton–proton collision data at √s=13 TeV
G. Aad, B. Abbott, D.C. Abbott, K. Abeling, S.H. Abidi, A. Aboulhorma
Toktrapport fra det norsk/russiske økotoktet i Barentshavet og nærliggende områder
Geir Odd Johansen, Dmitry Prozorkevich, Alexander Trofimov, Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen, Tatiana Prokhorova, Bjørn Einar Grøsvik
Ancient DNA SNP-panel data suggests stability in bluefin tuna genetic diversity despite centuries of fluctuating catches in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
Adam Jon Andrews, Gregory N. Puncher, Darío Bernal-Casasola, Antonio Di Natale, Francesco Massari, Vedat Onar
Model-independent search for the presence of new physics in events including H → γγ with √s = 13 TeV pp data recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC
G. Aad, B. Abbott, K. Abeling, S.H. Abidi, A. Aboulhorma, H. Abramowicz
Towards identifying biological data products for advancing modeling carbon sequestration in the Arctic Ocean
Artur Palacz, Maria Grigoratou, Nathan Briggs, Stefano Ciavatta, Mattia Greco, Monika Kedra
Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass from the Formula Presented and Formula Presented Decay Channels with the ATLAS Detector Using Formula Presented, 8, and 13 TeV Formula Presented Collision Data
E.K. Filmer, C.M. Grant, P. Jackson, A.X.Y. Kong, H.D. Pandya, H. Potti
Videreutvikling av makroalgeindeksene for klassifisering av miljøtilstand i kystvann
Mats Gunnar Walday, Hege Gundersen, Janne Kim Gitmark, Trine Bekkby, Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Are Pedersen
Self Adjusting Algorithm for the Nontargeted Feature Detection of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Coupled with Liquid Chromatography Profile Data
Saer Samanipour, Jake W O'Brien, Malcolm J Reid, Kevin V Thomas
Statistical variable selection: an alternative prioritization strategy during the nontarget analysis of LC-HR-MS data
Saer Samanipour, Malcolm J Reid, Kevin V Thomas
Anthropogenic carbon distributions in the Atlantic Ocean: data-based estimates from the Arctic to the Antarctic
Marcos Vazquez-Rodriguez, Franck Touratier, Claire Lo Monaco, Darryn W. Waugh, Xose Antonio Padin, Richard Bellerby
NOM in the Nordic countries
Rolf David Vogt, Dag Olav Andersen, Kevin Bishop, Nicholas Clarke, Tone Charlotte Gadmar, Egil T. Gjessing
Tie Shan Ping (TSP) monitoring site, ChongQing Municipality. Catchment Manual
Rolf David Vogt, Tom Mortensen, Jan Mulder, Svein Solberg, Wenche Aas
Liu Chong Guan (LCG) monitoring site, Guizhou province. Catchment Manual
Rolf David Vogt, Tom Mortensen, Jan Mulder, Svein Solberg, Wenche Aas
Lei Gong Shan (LGS) monitoring site, Guizhou province. Catchment Manual
Rolf David Vogt, Tom Mortensen, Jan Mulder, Svein Solberg, Wenche Aas
Cai Jia Tang (CJT) monitoring site, Hunan province. Catchment Manual
Rolf David Vogt, Tom Mortensen, Jan Mulder, Svein Solberg, Wenche Aas
Classification of coastal habitats using random forests on multispectral drone data, CIIMAR-NIVA webinar for EEA project UAV4SEA - Technology development for drone-based coastal observations.
James Edward Sample