Viser 1634 treff
Predictive probability modelling of marine habitats – a case study from the West coast of Norway
E. Soldal, Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Vegar Bakkestuen, Lars Erikstad, Martin Isæus
Carbon to nutrient ratios in marine systems: understanding natural variability
Helene Frigstad
Effect of ocean acidification and increased DOC supply on Arctic pelagic marinemicrobial communities
Anna Silyakova, Helene Frigstad, Tron Frede Thingstad, Jorun Egge, Runar Thyrhaug, Richard Bellerby
Relative contribution of oceanographic conditions and spawning aggregations to cod larvae and 0-group seascape in the Barents Sea under different climatic scenario
Manuel Hidalgo, Yvonne Gusdal, Gjert E. Dingsør, Lorenzo Ciannelli, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Geir Ottersen
Foraging habitats of European shags in contrasted marine environments
Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jenny Mattisson, Trine Bekkby, Svein-Håkon Lorentsen
Chronic toxicity of 2,4,2 ',4 '-tetrabromodiphenyl ether on the marine alga Skeletonema costatum and the crustacean Daphnia magna
Merete Grung
Climate, match-mismatch and trophic interactions in a marine system: seabird-fish-plankton
Joel Marcel Durant, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Nils Christian Stenseth
Climate, oceanographic conditions and trophic interactions in a marine system: seabird-fish
Joel Marcel Durant, Tycho Anker-Nilssen, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Nils Christian Stenseth
History, development and future use of distribution modelling in research and management
Trine Bekkby
Seasonal changes in mercury accumulation in zooplankton from an Arctic marine food web
Ida Beathe Øverjordet, Torunn Berg, Anders Ruus, Guttorm N. Christensen, Anita Evenset, Katrine Borgå
Factors influencing activities of biotransformation enzymes, concentrations and compositional patterns of organochlorine contaminants in members of a marine food web
Anders Ruus, Morten Sandvik, KI Ugland, Janneche Utne Skåre
Influence of trophic position on organochlorine concentrations and compositional patterns in a marine food web
Anders Ruus, KI Ugland, Janneche Utne Skåre
Grigoratou et al. (2022) The Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Plankton Workshops: Plankton Ecosystem Function, Biodiversity, and Forecasting—Research Requirements and Applications
Christian Lindemann
From peers to public: Obstacles, benefits and impact of cross-methodological communication
Christian Lindemann, Jan David Heuschele
Training and Communication Across Disciplines and Methodological Approaches in Marine Science
Christian Lindemann, Øyvind Fiksen, Susanne Menden-Deuer, Aditee Mitra
Effects of warming rate, acclimation temperature and ontogeny on the critical thermal maximum of temperate marine fish larvae
Marta Moyano, Caroline Lourdes Candebat, Yannick Ruhbaum, Santiago Alvarez-Fernandez, Guy Claireaux, J Zambonino-Infante
Presentasjon fra prosjektet: Kartlegging av marine konfliktar i Afrika sør for Sahara: utbreiing, årsaker og løysingar for kystsamfunn (MARICA)
Frode Sundnes
The Environmental Status of Norwegian Coastal Waters
Christopher Harman, Trine Bekkby, Sara Calabrese, Hilde Trannum, Eivind Oug, Anders G Hagen
Towards a scientific community consensus on designating Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems from imagery
Amy R. Baco, Rebecca Ross, Franziska Althaus, Diva Amon, Amelia E.H. Bridges, Saskia Brix
Effects of Hydraulic Retention Time and Influent Nitrate-N Concentration on Nitrogen Removal and the Microbial Community of an Aerobic Denitrification Reactor Treating Recirculating Marine Aquaculture System Effluent
Xiefa Song, Xiaohan Yang, Eric Hallerman, Yuli Jiang, Zhitao Huang