Viser 1636 treff
Subglacial Discharge and Its Down‐Fjord Transformation in West Greenland Fjords With an Ice Mélange
John Mortensen, Søren Rysgaard, Jørgen Bendtsen, Kunuk Lennert, Torsten Kanzow, Henrik Lund
Marine ecosystem restoration: new knowledge and future challenges
Roberto Donovaro, Cristina Gambi, Nadia Papadopoulou, Anthony Grehan, Christoffer Boström, J van de Koppel
From data to decision making: assessing the benefits of restoring marine ecosystems
Hazel Thornton, Chris McOwen, Trine Bekkby, Sara Pruckner, Sabine Horn, Marta Coll
Prospects for Valuation in Marine Decision Making in Europe
Rob Tinch, Stephen Hynes, Claire Armstrong, Wenting Chen
Pilot Project for Mapping Marine Nature Types within the NiN Framework, Coastal Norway
Margaret Dolan, Trine Bekkby, Sigurd Heiberg Espeland, Eli Rinde, Frithjof Emil Moy, Sigrid Elvenes
MERCES: Marine Ecosystem Restoration In Changing European Seas (H2020 Project)
C Gambi, Roberto Donovaro, Nadia Papadopoulou, Anthony Grehan, Christoffer Boström, J van de Koppel
Norways hidden marine biodiversity: the hunt for cryptic species within the coralline algae
Eli Rinde, Marc Angles d'Auriac, Trine Bekkby, Hartvig C Christie, Stein Fredriksen, Janne Kim Gitmark
The Kelp Cultivation Potential in Coastal and Offshore Regions of Norway
Ole Jacob Broch, Morten Omholt Alver, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen, Silje Forbord, Aleksander Handå
Overvåking av miljøgifter i Kristiansandsfjorden i blåskjell, torsk, krabber og vann
Merete Schøyen
Loss of biodiversity
Trine Bekkby
The Norwegian NiN habitat classification system
Trine Bekkby
First steps towards an assessment of plastics risk to the Norwegian environment
Andy Booth, Amy Lusher, Martin Wagner, Lisbet Sørensen, Debhasish Bhakta, Thomas Maes
Bærekraftig utbygging av havvind - Marine økosystemer og materialer
Solrun Figenschau Skjellum, Cristina Guerreiro
Impacts of changing ocean circulation on the distribution of marine microplastic litter
Natalie Welden, Amy Lusher
Removing microplastic particles from samples with high organic matter content: a countrywide investigation of sewage sludge produced across Norway
Amy Lusher, Rachel Hurley, Christian Vogelsang, Marianne Olsen
Phasing in use of the “Nature in Norway” (NiN) system for classification and description of nature in the marine environment – experiences, challenges and international relevance.
Margaret Dolan, Trine Bekkby, Pål Buhl-Mortensen, Guri Sogn Andersen, Thijs Christiaan van Son, Jonas Thormar
MERCES WP 5 – how are we translating data from 130+ restoration sites to inform policy-makers and practitioners?
Hazel Thornton, Chris McOwen, Trine Bekkby, Rachael Scrimgeour, O McDermott-Long, H Brooks
Caged blue mussels as environmental detectives
Merete Schøyen
Effect of climate change on fluxes of nitrogen from the Tovdal River basin, Norway, to adjoining marine areas
RF Wright, Øyvind Kaste, HA de Wit, T Tjomsland, M Bloemerts, J Molvaer
Miljøgifter i en urban fjord
Anders Ruus, Ian Allan, Bjørnar Beylich, Kine Bæk, Martin Schlabach, Morten Helberg