Viser 1125 treff
Costs and benefits of automated high-frequency environmental monitoring – The case of lake water management
Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, Ingvild Skumlien Furuseth, Godwin Kofi Vondolia, Gideon Gal, Elvira De Eyto, Eleanor Jennings
Robustfish: New possibilities for growth and robustness in organic aquaculture
Alfred Jokumsen, Erik Höglund, Ivar Lund, Lone Madsen, Lars Flemming Pedersen, Max Nielsen
Effects of nitrate on aquaculture production, blood and histological markers and liver transcriptome of Oplegnathus punctatus
Xiaohan Yang, Xiefa Song, Lei Peng, Eric Hallerman, Zhitao Huang
Effects of tank wall color and up-welling water flow on growth and survival of Eurasian perch larvae (Perca fluviatilis)
Sissel Jentoft, Sigurd Øxnevad, Are Halvor Aastveit, Øivind Andersen
Suppression of aggressive behaviour in juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) by l-tryptophan supplementation
Erik Höglund, Marit Jørgensen Bakke, Øyvind Øverli, Svante Winberg, Göran E. Nilsson
Disentangling the role of sea lice on the marine survival of Atlantic salmon
Knut Wiik Vollset, Ian Dohoo, Ørjan Karlsen, Elina Halttunen, Bjørn Olav Kvamme, Bengt Finstad
Novel large-scale mapping highlights poor state of sea trout populations
Peder Fiske, Torbjørn Forseth, Eva Bonsak Thorstad, Vegar Bakkestuen, Sigurd Einum, Morten Falkegård
The future of European water management: Demonstration of a new WFD compliant framework to support sustainable management under multiple stress
Annette Baattrup-Pedersen, Søren Erik Larsen, Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Riis Tenna
Effects of climate variability on vegetation and carbon uptake in a North-Norwegian coastal wetland
Georg Heinrich Hansen, Daniel Rasse, Heleen de Wit, Hans Tømmervik, Jarle W. Bjerke, Magnus Lund
DI (density index). Density of marine macroinvertebrates as indicator of environmental status
Brage Rygg
Annual cycle of Pseudo-nitzschia species in the outer Oslofjord, Norway
Vladyslava Hostyeva, Wenche Eikrem, Bente Edvardsen
A synthesis review of nature positive approaches and coexistence in the offshore wind industry
Juan Carlos Farias Pardo, Magnus Aune, Christopher Harman, Mats Walday, Solrun Figenschau Skjellum
Multiple exposure routes of a pesticide exacerbate effects on a grazingmayfly
Mathias J S Pristed, Mirco Bundschuh, Jes Jessen Rasmussen
Kelp industrial production: Potential impacts on coastal ecosystems
Kasper Hancke, Ole Jacob Broch, Trine Bekkby, Yngvar Olsen, Reinhold Fieler, Hege Gundersen
Effects of chronic ammonia exposure on gonad growth and survival in green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Sten Ivar Siikavuopio, Trine Dale, Atle Foss, Atle Mortensen
Thermally-induced phenotypic plasticity in gilthead seabream Sparus aurata L. (Perciformes, Sparidae)
Michalis Loizides, Efi Georgakopoulou, Maria Christou, Maria Iliopoulou, Ioannis E. Papadakis, Pantelis Katharios
Development of species-specific eDNA-based test systems for monitoring of freshwater crayfish
Steen Wilhelm Knudsen, Sune Agersnap, Peter Rask Møller, Jesper Harbo Andersen
Miljøovervåkning i Sørfjorden ved Osterøy
Trine Dale, Gjermund Bahr, Astrid Harendza, Roger Velvin, Rune Palerud, Witold Szczuciński
Salmon lice or suboptimal water quality - Reasons for reduced postsmolt survival?
Bengt Finstad, Frode Kroglund, Rita Strand, Sigurd Stefansson, Pål Arne Bjørn, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Ole Jacob Broch, Morten Alver, Trine Bekkby, Hege Gundersen, Aleksander Handå, Jorunn Skjermo