Viser 7198 treff
HAVPLAST: Delrapport - Tiltak og Indikatorer
Hilde Rødås Johnsen, Jannike Falk-Andersson, Marthe Larsen Haarr, Ane Oline Roland, Elizabeth Sanli, Ingrid Agathe Bay-Larsen
HAVPLAST: Delrapport - Tiltak og Indikatorer
Hilde Rødås Johnsen, Leticia Antunes Nogueira, Ingrid Bay Larsen, Bjørn Vidar Vangelsten, Vegard Pedersen, Jannike Falk-Andersson
Effects of omission of expected reward on agonistic behaviour and dopaminergic activity of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
Marco Antonio Vindas Alvarado, Ole Folkedal, Tore S Kristiansen, Lars Helge Stien, Bjarne Olai Braastad, Ian Mayer
A linkage map of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) based on EST-derived SNP markers
Thomas Moen, Ben J. Hayes, Matthew Baranski, Paul Ragnar Berg, Sissel Kjøglum, Ben F. Koop
Carbon isotope (d13C) excursions suggest times of major methane release during the last 14 kyr in Fram Strait, the deep-water gateway to the Arctic
Chiara Consolaro, Tine Lander Rasmussen, Giuliana Panieri, Jurgen Mienert, Stefan Bünz, Kamila Sztybor
Establishing the representativeness of available surface water scenarios for plant protection products in environmental risk assessment in Norway. Opinion of the Panel on Plant protection Products of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Ole Martin Eklo, Nana Yaa Boahene, Tor Fredrik Holth, Michael Klein, Hubert Dirven, Dagrun Engeset
Multi-sector Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) in the Arctic Ocean
Gunnar Sander
Forslag til forvaltningsrelevante marine naturenheter
Trine Bekkby, Eli Rinde, Eivind Oug, Pål Buhl-Mortensen, Jonas Thormar, Margaret Dolan
Vurdering av MAREANOs opplegg for grabbprøvetaking av sedimentfauna. Harmonisering med prøvetaking etter Norsk Standard
Torgeir Heggelund Bakke, Hector Andrade, Kari Elsa Ellingsen, Karl Norling, Eivind Oug
Polar Ocean Acidification
Richard Bellerby
How Can Risk Assessment Data for Micro- and NanoPlastics Contaminations Be Generated in a Way That Is Useful for the Development of LCIA Models?
Cecilia Askham, Valentina Pauna, Anne-Marie Boulay, Peter Fantke, Olivier Jolliet, Jerome Lavoie
Long-term patterns of an interconnected core marine microbiota
Anders Kristian Krabberød, Ina Maria Deutschmann, Marit Frederikke Markussen Bjorbækmo, Vanessa Balagué, Caterina R. Giner, Isabel Ferrera
The glutamine transporter Slc38a1 regulates GABAergic neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity
Tayyaba Qureshi Raheel, Christina Sørensen, Paul Berghuis, Vidar Jensen, Marton B. Dobszay, Tamás Farkas
Nøkkelbiotoper - effektive forvaltningstiltak
Øystein Røsok, Dag Øystein Hjermann
Mulig helserisiko av roidrett i vann med cyanobakterier og Legionella
Elisabeth Wegede, Ingeborg Aaberge, Anna Madeleine Tiodolf, Thomas Rohrlack, Hans Utkilen
Bioaccumulation of ionic compounds - Deriving of alternative screening criteria from experimental studies
Christian Schlechtriem, Ina Ebersbach, Caroline Müller, Sebastian Kuehr, Kai-Uwe Goss, Stefan Trapp
Nettverk: Tverrfaglig forum for blågrønn infrastruktur
Line Johanne Barkved
Risk assessment of the fungicide Aviator Xpro EC 225 with the active substances bixafen and prothioconazole. Opinion of the Panel on Plant Protection Products of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Line Emilie Sverdrup, Christine Bjørge, Ole Martin Eklo, Merete Grung, Torsten Källqvist, Ingeborg Klingen
Risk assessment of the fungicide Infinito with the active substances fluopicolide and propamocarb- HCL. Opinion of the Panel on plant protection products of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Line Emilie Sverdrup, Christine Bjørge, Ole Martin Eklo, Merete Grung, Torsten Källqvist, Ingeborg Klingen
Risk assessment of the fungicide Bontima with the active substances cyprodinil and isopyrazam. Opinion of the Panel on plant protection products of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food Safety
Line Emilie Sverdrup, Christine Bjørge, Ole Martin Eklo, Merete Grung, Torsten Källqvist, Ingeborg Klingen