Viser 7175 treff
Ocean governance in a sea of ignorance
Maaike Knol, Peter Arbo
Constructing knowledge gaps in Barents Sea management - how uncertainties become objects of risk
Maaike Knol
Science and politics in the Arctic. The role of expert knowledge in Barents Sea governance
Maaike Knol
Oil spill response in the Arctic: Norwegian experiences and future perspectives
Maaike Knol
Planning at the interface of science and politics: petroleum activity in the Barents Sea
Maaike Knol
Oil spill response in the Arctic: Norwegian experiences and future perspectives
Maaike Knol, Peter Arbo
Risk in ocean governance - Oil and gas activities in an integrated management framework
Maaike Knol
Making risk acceptable: oil spill preparedness and response in the Arctic
Maaike Knol, Peter Arbo, Sarah Pötter
Constructivism and post-constructivism: The methodological implications of employing a post-constructivist research approach
Maaike Knol
Arctic Futures: Images and conceptualisations of a changing Arctic
Maaike Knol
Oil spill response in the Arctic: Norwegian experiences and future perspectives
Maaike Knol, Peter Arbo
Setting a social scientific research agenda for the Blue Economy
Judith van Leeuwen, Michelle Voyer, Jan van Tatenhove, Michael Fabinyi, Kate Barclay, Michelle Scobie
On the development of maritime activity around Svalbard and a European collaboration for the improvement of forecast services
Maaike Knol-Kauffman
Ecosystem-based management and petroleum development in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Mapping the Unmappable?
Maaike Knol
Oil spill response in the Arctic: Norwegian experiences and future perspectives
Maaike Knol, Peter Arbo
Politiske koblinger mellom klimatilpasning, sårbarhet og konfliktdynamikker: Innsikter fra sørøstlige Myanmar
Marianne Mosberg
Greenspaces and Human Well-Being: Perspectives from a Rapidly Urbanising Low-Income Country
Maximilian Nawrath, Helen Elsey, Moti Lal Rijal, Martin Dallimer
Prosjekt Elg - trafikk i Stor-Elvdal 2000-2004. Hvordan unngå elgpåkjørsler på vei og jernbane?
Torstein Storaas, Knut Barnholdt Nicolaysen, Hege Gundersen, Barbara Zimmermann
Density dependence and density independence in the demography and dispersal of pike over four decades
Thrond Haugen, I. J. Winfield, Leif Asbjørn Vøllestad, J. M. Fletcher, J. B. James, Nils Christian Stenseth
Børselv-vassdraget, Ballangen kommune. Undersøkelser av bunnfauna, oksygenforhold vinterstid samt vannføring og vannstandsvariasjoner etter restaureringstiltak
Karl Jan Aanes