Viser 6855 treff
Contrasting reproductive biology of two hydrothermal gastropods from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: implications for resilience of vent communities
J. Marticorena, M. Matabos, J. Sarrazin, E. Ramirez-Llodra
Predation mortality from ambush and cruising predators on newly-settled 0-group gadoids
Torstein Pedersen, Hans Kristian Strand, Hartvig C Christie, Frithjof Moy
Predicting Environmental Risks of Pharmaceuticals from Wholesale Data: An Example from Norway
Samuel A. Welch, S. Jannicke Moe, Mohammad Nouri Sharikabad, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Kristine Olsen, Merete Grung
Berlin statement on legacy and emerging contaminants in polar regions
Ralf Ebinghaus, Elena Barbaro, Susan Bengtson Nash, Cristina de Avila, Cynthia A. De Wit, Valeria Dulio
Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy
Roberto Danovaro, Emanuela Fanelli, Jacopo Aguzzi, David Billett, Laura Carugati, Cinzia Corinaldesi
Lead Sources to the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica
Kuria Ndungu, Cheryl M Zurbrick, Sharon Stammerjohn, Silke Severmann, Robert M Sherrell, A. Russel Flegal
Ecological classification by predictive modeling of macroinvertebrate‐ and SPI‐data in Norwegian coastal waters
Hege Gundersen
Ecological Role of Submarine Canyons and Need for Canyon Conservation: A Review
Ulla Fernández-Arcaya, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Jacopo Aguzzi, A. Louise Allcock, Jaime Davies, Awantha Dissanayake
Development and testing of a prototype tool for integrated assessment of chemical status in marine environments
Jesper H Andersen, Ciaran Murray, Martin M. Larsen, Norman Green, Tore Høgåsen, Elin Dahlgren
Levels and temporal trends (1983-2003) of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecanes in seabird eggs from Norway
Lisa Bjørnsdatter Helgason, Anuschka Polder, S. Føreid, Kine Bæk, E. Lie, Geir Wing Gabrielsen
Deliverable 3.13 Final implementation and data: Distributed systems for ocean and sea ice
Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Waldemar Walczowski, Bin Cheng, Roberta Pirazzini, Henna-Reetta Hannula, David Brus
Mobilisation of river transported colloidal aluminium in estuaries and subsequent deposition on fish gills - sodium silicate as countermeasure
Hans-Christian Teien, Frode Kroglund, Brit Salbu
Importance of wave and current exposure to fauna communities in Laminaria hyperborea kelp forest
Kjell Magnus Norderhaug, Hartvig C Christie, Eli Rinde, Hege Gundersen, Trine Bekkby
Reductive and oxidative UV degradation of PFAS—status, needs and future perspectives
Muhammad Umar
A Bayesian Network Approach to Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Pesticides Under Current and Future Agricultural and Climate Scenarios
Sophie Mentzel, Merete Grung, Knut-Erik Tollefsen, Marianne Stenrød, Roger Holten, S. Jannicke Moe
Isolation and Extraction of Microplastics from Environmental Samples: An Evaluation of Practical Approaches and Recommendations for Further Harmonisation
Amy L Lusher, Keenan Munno, Ludovic Hermabessiere, Steve Carr
Polyphasic characterization of newly isolated Anabaenopsis (Cyanobacteria) strains from tropical Brazil and Mexico
Kleber Renan de Souza Santos, Guilherme Scotta Hentschke, Ana Paula Dini Andreote, Haywood Dail Laughinghouse IV, Andreas Ballot, Eberto Novelo
Fungicides: An Overlooked Pesticide Class?
Jochen P. Zubrod, Mirco Bundschuh, Gertie H. Arts, Carsten A. Brühl, Gwenaël Imfeld, Anja Knäbel
Testing and evaluation of a HYMO classification system for lakes and reservoirs - Proposed new and modified hydromorphological (HYMO) classification system
Tor Haakon Bakken, Valerie Beck, Lennart Hagen Schönfelder, Julie Charmasson, Jan-Erik Thrane, Markus Lindholm
Prolonged frost increases release of C and N from a montane heathland soil in southern Norway
Kari Austnes, Live Semb Vestgarden