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Quantitative determination of surfactants in river water by column switching techniques coupled with a nanospray TOF-MS interface
Steven Ray Haakon Wilson, Anders Holm, Pål Molander, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Electron ionisation mass spectrometry of the pentafluoropropionate esters of trichothecene analogues and culmorin compounds from Fusarium species
Wenche Langseth, Thomas Rundberget, Silvio Uhlig
Intersexual attraction in natal dispersing root voles Microtus oeconomus
Gry Gundersen, Jannecke A. Moe, Harry Peter Andreassen, Rine G. Carlsen, Hege Gundersen
Rollen til Naturlig organisk materiale og fosfor i et miljø i endring
Christian Wilhelm Mohr, Rolf David Vogt, Grethe Wibetoe, Tom Andersen
Vascular plant diversity and its use in a neotropical rain forest inhabited by migrants
Ingrid Nesheim
Dynamcis of carbon and nutrients in the Iceland Sea mixed layer
Åke Emil Jeansson, Richard Bellerby, Ingunn Skjelvan
Novel column concept for cold spot large volume sample enrichment in high throughput temperature gradient packed capillary liquid chromatography
Anders Holm, Pål Molander, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
'The Ecosystem Approach': An introduction to its understanding and integration
Froukje Maria Platjouw
Genome size as a determinant of growth and life-history traits in crustaceans
Dag Olav Hessen, Jonas Persson
Predicting Aluminum and Soil Organic Matter Solubility Using the Mehanistic Equilibrium Model WHAM
Heleen A. de Wit, Tore Groseth, Jan Mulder
Characterization of fatty acid esters of okadaic acid and related toxins in blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) from Norway
Trine Torgersen, Alistair L. Wilkins, Thomas Rundberget, Christopher Miles
µLC-MS for the determination of active compounds in biological fluids
Anders Holm, Pål Molander, Steven Ray Haakon Wilson, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Temperature-promoted large-volume solute enrichment in column-switching miniaturized liquid chromatography: Determination of an antioxidant
Pål Molander, Anders Holm, Dag Roar Hegna, Espen Ommundsen, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Causes for increase in Dissolved Natural Organic Matter and changes in its quality
Rolf David Vogt, Ståle Leif Haaland, Gunnhild Riise, Ksenia Bozhko, Bjørnar Eikebrokk
Carbon stocks in Norwegian forest soils and effects of forest management on carbon storage
Heleen A de Wit, Sheila Kvindesland
Development of a column oven with an incorporated cold spot for large volume injections in capillary liquid chromatography
Anders Holm, Pål Molander, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Changing Northern catchments: Is altered hydrology, temperature or both going to shape future stream communities and ecosystem processes?
Nikolai Friberg, Jenny Bergfur, Jes Jessen Rasmussen, Leonard Sandin
Inorganic nitrogen retention in acid-sensitive lakes in southern Norway and southern Ontario, Canada - a comparison of mass balance data with an empirical N retention model
Øyvind Kaste, Peter J. Dillon
Biodegradability and Mercury Fractions in Dissolved Natural Organic Matter Size Fractions
Rolf David Vogt, Stevenson Harvey Lee Ong
Separation of peptides and proteins using temperature programming for retention control in aqueous reversed phase capillary LC
Robert Grefsrud, Thomas Bjellaas, Pål Molander, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk