Viser 7198 treff
Identification of pools of mercury in a typical mercury mining area in Wanshan, Guizhou, China – Fractionation of mercury in water, soil and sediment
Yan Lin
Effect of ocean acidification and increased DOC supply on Arctic pelagic marinemicrobial communities
Anna Silyakova, Helene Frigstad, Tron Frede Thingstad, Jorun Egge, Runar Thyrhaug, Richard Bellerby
Seasonal and long-term variations in seston elemental ratios in two time-series in the Norwegian Coastal Current
Helene Frigstad
Seasonal and long-term variations in seston elemental ratios in two time-series in the Norwegian coastal current
Helene Frigstad
Intercalibration and quality control
Thorjørn Larssen, Xiaoshan Zhang, Duan Lei, Dawei Zhao, Wenche Aas, Rolf David Vogt
Separation of ceramides by temperature-programmed packed capillary liquid chromatography with large-volume on-column focusing
Anders Holm, Pål Molander, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Seston stoiciometry: What is the composition of seston?
Helene Frigstad, Tom Andersen, Dag Hessen, Richard Bellerby
Aspects and applications of non-aqueous high temperature packed capillary liquid chromatography
Pål Molander, Roger Trones, Karina Haugland, Tyge Greibrokk
The active use of temperature for controlling retention in LC
Tyge Greibrokk, Elsa Lundanes, Roger Trones, Pål Molander, Thomas Andersen, Inge A. Bruheim
Applicability of packed capillary columns in chromatography
Inger Lill Skuland, Lai M. T. Nguyen, Bente Jachwitz, Thomas Andersen, Lise Marken, Joakim Thommesen
Determination of retinoids by packed-capillary liquid chromatography with large-volume on-column focusing and temperature optimization
Pål Molander, Thomas Erik Gundersen, Karsten Haas, Tyge Greibrokk, Rune Blomhoff, Elsa Lundanes
Long packed capillary columns in supercritical fluid chromatography, high temperature liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography
Iris Hunnes, Pål Molander, Roger Trones, Elsa Lundanes, Tyge Greibrokk
Applicabilities of long packed capillary columns in chromatography
Iris Hunnes, Pål Molander, Cathrine Thomsen, Lai M. T. Nguyen, Inge A. Bruheim, Lise Marken
Role of the seasonal cycle in coupling climate and carbon cycling in the Subantarctic Zone
P.M.S. Monteiro, Philip Boyd, Richard Bellerby
Optimal Age- and Gear-specific Harvesting Policies for North-East Arctic Cod
Florian Klaus Diekert, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Eric Nævdal, Nils Christian Stenseth
The application of HPLC-F and GC-MS to the analysis of selected hydroxy polycyclic hydrocarbons in two certified fish bile reference materials
Grete Jonsson, Jonny Beyer, David Wells, Freek Ariese
Impact of water-based drill cuttings on benthic foraminifera and macrofauna: a mesocosm experiment
Silvia Hess, Elisabeth Alve, Hilde Cecilie Trannum
Bioavailability of PAH in effluent water from an aluminium works evaluated by transplant caging and biliary fluorescence measurements of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)
Jonny Beyer, Endre Aas, H.K. Borgenvik, P. Ravn
Uniting ecologists into a smooth, tasty and potent blend
Nils Christian Stenseth, Atle Mysterud, Joel Marcel Durant, Dag Øystein Hjermann, Geir Ottersen
Effects of water-based drill cuttings vs physical burial on benthic foraminifera and macrofauna: a mesocosm experiment
Silvia Hess, Elisabeth Alve, Hilde Cecilie Trannum