Viser 7085 treff
Bioassay-assisted monitoring of industrial effluents and environmental samples
Eivind Farmen Finne, Pål A Olsvik, Marc HG Berntssen, Ketil Hylland, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Oxidative defence and damage in rainbow trout hepatocytes exposed to pro-oxidants
Eivind Farmen Finne, Pål A Olsvik, Marc HG Berntssen, Ketil Hylland, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Interaction of estrogen mimics, singly and in combination, with plasma sex steroid-binding proteins in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Knut Erik Tollefsen
Characterisation of Natural disoolved organic material (NOM) in the Nordic countries
Rolf David Vogt, Dag Olav Andersen, Kevin Bishop, Nicholas Clarke, Tone Charlotte Gadmar, Egil T. Gjessing
BlockML: a useful proof of work system based on machine learning tasks
Andrea Merlina
Aquatic Eddy correlation: Quantifying the artificial flux caused by stirring sensitive O2 sensors
Moritz Holtappels, Christian Noss, Kasper Hancke, C Cathalot, DF McGinnis, Andreas Lorke
Effects of sea-ice light attenuation and CDOM absorption in the water below the Eurasian sector of central Arctic Ocean (>88oN)
LC Lund‐Hansen, Stiig Markager, Kasper Hancke, T Stratmann, Søren Rysgaard, Hans Ramløv
CERAD Biological Effects Toolbox.
Dag Anders Brede, Deborah Helen Oughton, Ann-Karin Olsen, Peter Alestrøm, Knut Erik Tollefsen, Brit Salbu
System responses to equal doses of photosynthetically usable radiation of blue, green and red light in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum
Atle M. Bones, Marianne Nymark, Kristin Collier Valle, Per Winge, Tore Brembu, Geir Johnsen
Nordic Seas Anthropogenic CO2
Are Olsen, Abdirahman Omar, Emil Jeansson, Leif G. Anderson, Richard Bellerby
The Underwater Light Regime and cDOM across the Polar Front (Barents Sea):With relevance for the Primary Production
Kasper Hancke, Erlend Kjeldsberg Hovland, Geir Johnsen, Mark Moline, Egil Sakshaug
NORUS - Technology Development for Marine Monitoring and Ocean Observation:An North America-Norway educational program
Inga Aamot, Jørgen Berge, Kasper Hancke, Geir Johnsen, Mark Moline, Oscar Schofield
Carbon and nutrient mixed layer dynamics in the Norwegian Sea
Helen S. Findlay, Toby Tyrrell, Richard Bellerby, Agostino Merico, Ingunn Skjelvan
Marine ecosystem community carbon and nutrient uptake stoichiometry under varying ocean acidification during the PeECE III experiment
Richard Bellerby, K. G. Schulz, U. Riebesell, Craig Chandler Neill, Gisle Nondal, Einar Heegaard
WGMMHA Working Paper 2-99. Suggestions for future research on responses to environmental contaminants in marine mammals
Anders Ruus, Janneche Utne Skaare
Temperature effects on respiration and photosynthesis in three diatom-dominated benthic communities
Kasper Hancke, Ronnie N Glud
The use of PAM fluorescence and bio-optical characteristics to estimate oxygen production in phytoplankton
Torunn Beate Hancke, Kasper Hancke, Geir Johnsen, Egil Sakshaug
Build-up and decline of organic matter during PeECE III
K.G. Schulz, U. Riebesell, Richard Bellerby, H. Biswas, M. Meyerhöfer, M.N. Müller
Carbon and nutrient mixed layer dynamics in the Norwegian Sea
H.S. Findlay, T. Tyrrell, Richard Bellerby, A. Merico, Ingunn Skjelvan
The Barents Sea Carbon Budget and Climate Change
Caroline Kivimæe, Richard Bellerby, A. Fransson, M. Reigstad