Viser 7267 treff
Seasonal dynamics of algae-infecting viruses and their inferred interactions with protists
Sandra Gran Stadniczeñko, Anders Kristian Krabberød, Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Sheree Yau, Elianne Dunthorn Egge, Bente Edvardsen
Multi-level governance of food waste: Comparing Norway, Denmark and Sweden
Julia Szulecka, Nhat Strøm-Andersen, Lisa Scordato, Eili Skrivervik
The nature of the land: the Dukuduku forest and the Mfolozi flats, KwaZulu-Natal
Knut Gunnar Nustad, Frode Sundnes
Special delivery: scavengers direct seed dispersal towards ungulate carcasses
Sam Steyaert, Shane Frank, Stefano Puliti, Rudy Badia, Mie P. Arnberg, Jack Beardsley
Our Arctic Challenge (film)
Gunnar Sander
Record of methane emissions from the West Svalbard continental margin during the last 23.500 yrs revealed by δ13C of benthic foraminifera
Giuliana Panieri, Rachael H. James, Angelo Camerlenghi, Graham K. Westbrook, Chiara Consolaro, Isabel Cacho
PRIMÆRRENS (Prosjekt 9). Utnyttelse av kjemisk forbehandling ved finsilanlegg – Case Bergen
Christian Vogelsang
Ecotoxicological impact of plastic leachates on Mytilus edulis haemocytes
Maria Elisabetta Michelangeli, Lisbet Sørensen, Andrew Booth, Tania Gomes
A hitchhiker's guide to European lake ecological assessment and intercalibration
Sandra Poikane, Sebastian Birk, Jürgen Böhmer, Laurence Carvalho, Caridad de Hoyos, Hubert Gassner
The STARTEC Decision support tool and guidelines for food producers – ingredient and technology choices for food safety, quality and nutrition. T. Skjerdal7, E. Gaston9, M. Spajik9, A. Gefferth9, A. De Cecare4, S. Vitali4, F. Pasquali4, G. Manfreda4, M. Trevisiani4, GT. Tessema6, T. Fagereng6, LH. Moen6, T. Koidis10, G. Delgado10, A. Stratakos10, M. Boeri10, H. Syed2, C. From8, M. Muccioli5, R. Mulassani5, C. Halbert1
Taran Skjerdal, Girum Tadesse Tessema, Tone Mathisen Fagereng, Lena Haugland Moen, Alessandra de Cecare
The Hidden Sea Creatures in Norway's Fjords - On Mission
Madeline Steinberg, Øyvind Fiksen, Nicolas Straube, Henrik Glenner, Anders Lydik Garm, Christian Lindemann
Researchers use drones to photograph seaweeds: The tidal zone from a bird’s-eye view
Kasper Hancke, Trine Bekkby, Torunn Slettemark Hovden
Undersøkelse av hydrografiske og biologiske forhold i Indre Oslofjord Årsrapport 2021
Andre Staalstrøm, Guri Sogn Andersen, Mats Gunnar Walday, Anette Engesmo, Sandra Gran-Stadniczeñko, E. Therese Harvey
Re-calibration of the MAGIC model with data from the National Lake Survey 2019.
Øyvind Kaste, Magnus Dahler Norling, Kari Austnes, Bernard J. Cosby, Richard Frederic Wright
Re-calibration of the MAGIC model with data from the National Lake Survey 2019. Results from phase 2
Øyvind Kaste, Magnus Dahler Norling, Areti Balkoni, Kari Austnes, Bernard J. Cosby, Richard F. Wright
Utredninger av tungmetallutslipp til Vefsnfjorden
Andre Staalstrøm, Henrik Jonsson, Magnus Norling
Vinterfôring av elg i Stor-Elvdal: Elgaktivitet og beiteskader i relasjon til fôringsstasjoner
Hege Gundersen, Harry P. Andreassen
Fluks av masse, energi, og bevegelsesmengde mellom atmosfæren og havet
Alastair David Jenkins, Richard Bellerby, Karolina Widell, Anders Sirevaag, Ilker Fer
Preservation of Coastal protective forest
Rolf David Vogt, Odd Eilertsen
Drones for mapping benthic habitats and the SeaBee infrastructure.
Kasper Hancke, Hege Gundersen