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Under the surface: A gradient study of human impacts in Danish marine waters
Jesper Harbo Andersen, Therese Harvey, Emilie Kallenbach, Ciaran Joseph Murray, Zyad Al-Hamdani, Andy Stock
Årsovervåking med FerryBox - Indre Oslofjord 2019 - Datarapport
Kai Sørensen, Wenche Eikrem, Louise Valestrand, Trond Kristiansen, Marit Norli
Årsovervåking med FerryBox - Indre Oslofjord 2018 - Datarapport
Marit Norli, Louise Valestrand, Wenche Eikrem
Naturindeks; Videreutvikling av kunnskapsgrunnlaget for bløtbunnsindikator for kystvann - Et utviklingsprosjekt under Naturtyper i Norge (DN
Hege Gundersen, Karl Norling, Trine Bekkby, Eivind Oug, Brage Rygg, Mats Walday
Mesokosmos-forsøk med avgang fra Titania - effekt på bløtbunnsfauna
Hilde Cecilie Trannum, Morten Schaanning
Mytilus spp. as sentinels for monitoring microplastic pollution in Norwegian coastal waters: A qualitative and quantitative study
Inger Lise N Bråte, Rachel Hurley, Karine Iversen, Jonny Beyer, Kevin V Thomas, Calin C Steindal
Vikkilen 2014. Mapping of habitats and content of pollutants in sediments of shallow waters Year: 2014
Tone Kroglund, Lise Ann Tveiten, Jarle Håvardstun
Konsekvenser av ny kanal og båthavn på Kileneset, Søgne kommune. Strøm og vannutskiftning, ålegrasenger og organismesamfunn i bunnsedimenter og fjæresone
Camilla With Fagerli, Andre Staalstrøm, Janne Kim Gitmark
Etiske, lovmessige, samfunnsmessige og miljømessige aspekter ved bruk av mikroalger for CCS.
Harald Throne-Holst, Gunnar Vittersø, Line Johanne Barkved, Trine Dale, Tore Brembu
Water Column Monitoring 2014: Determining the biological effects of an offshore platform on local fish populations
Steven Brooks, Daniela M. Pampanin, Christopher Peter Harman, Merete Grung
Marin overvåking Nordland 2016-2017. Undersøkelser av hydrografi, planteplankton og bløtbunnsfauna i 6 fjorder i Nordland
Gunhild Borgersen, Anna Birgitta Ledang, Marit Norli, Thor Arne Hangstad, Mats Gunnar Walday
An in-depth study of Chrysochromulina leadbeateri bloom in northern Norway during spring 2019
Bente Edvardsen, Luka Supraha, Sandra Gran-Stadniczeñko, Wenche Eikrem, Uwe John
Protist community structure in Atlantic Arctic through the year as revealed by high throughput sequencing.
Elianne Dunthorn Egge, Daniel Vaulot, Aud Larsen, Gunnar Bratbak, John Uwe, Bente Edvardsen
The conserved Phe GH5 of importance for hemoglobin intersubunit contact is mutated in gadoid fish
Øivind Andersen, Maria Rosa, Prakash Yadav, Davide Pirolli, Jorge Fernandes, Paul Ragnar Berg
Effects of chronic dietary petroleum exposure on reproductive development in polar cod (Boreogadus saida)
Morgan Lizabeth Bender, Marianne Frantzen, Ireen Vieweg, Inger-Britt Falk-Petersen, Helge Kreutzer Johnsen, Geir Rudolfsen
Bush-crickets in small experimental grassland patches: Space use within patches and movement between them
Dag Øystein Hjermann
The surveillance programme for Aphanomyces astaci in Norway 2016
Trude Vrålstad, David Strand, Johannes Rusch, Øystein Toverud, Stein Ivar Johnsen, Attila Tarpai
Large-scale monitoring and risk assessment of microplastics in the Amazon River
Andreu Rico, Paula Redondo-Hasselerharm, Marco Vighi, Andrea Viviana Waichman, Gabriel Silva de Souza Nunes, Rhaul de Oliveira
Integrative assessment of low-dose gamma radiation effects on Daphnia magna reproduction: Toxicity pathway assembly and AOP development
You Song, Li Xie, YeonKyeong Lee, Dag Anders Brede, Fern Lyne, Yetneberk Kassaye
‘Offshore’ salmon aquaculture and identifying the needs for environmental regulation
Lauren Watson, Lynne Falconer, Trine Dale, Trevor C. Telfer