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DDTs and HCHs in sediment cores from the coastal East China Sea
Tian Lin, Luca Nizzetto, Zhigang Guo, Yuanyuan Li, Jun Li, Gan Zhang
Soft and sour: The challenge of setting environmental quality standards for bioavailable metal concentration in Fennoscandinavian freshwaters
Sabina Hoppe, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Matti Leppänen, Hans Borg, Kuria Ndungu
Identification of mercury fractions in water, soil and sediment from typical alkaline mercury mining area and modelling their transport under different flow regimes
Rolf David Vogt, Thorjørn Larssen, Yan Lin
Use of life cycle assessments to evaluate the environmental footprint of contaminated sediment remediation
Lars Magnus Sparrevik, Tuomo Saloranta, Gerard Cornelissen, Espen Eek, Annik Magerholm Fet, Gijs D. Breedveld
Transformation of positively charged aluminium-species inunstable mixing zones following liming
Hans-Christian Teien, Brit Salbu, Frode Kroglund, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Levels of persistent organic pollutants in the Neretva River (Bosnia and Herzegovina) determined by deployment of semipermeable membrane devices (SPMD)
Jasmina Djedjibegovic, Aleksandra Marjanovic, Miroslav Sober, Armin Skrbo, Kemo Sinanovic, Thorjørn Larssen
Transport and fate of mercury under different hydrologic regimes in polluted stream in mining area
Yan Lin, Thorjørn Larssen, Rolf David Vogt, XB Feng, H Zhang
Chemical and biological recovery of Lake Saudlandsvatn, a formerly highly acidified lake in southernmost Norway, in response to decreased acid deposition
Trygve H. Hesthagen, Arne Fjellheim, Ann Kristin Schartau, Richard Frederic Wright, Randi J. Saksgård, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Hepatic gene expression profile in brown trout (Salmo trutta) exposed to traffic related contaminants
Sondre Meland, Eivind Farmen Finne, Lene Sørlie Heier, Bjørn Olav Rosseland, Brit Salbu, You Song
In Situ Calibration of a Passive Sampling Device for Selected Illicit Drugs and Their Metabolites in Wastewater, And Subsequent Year-Long Assessment of Community Drug Usage
Christopher Peter Harman, Malcolm James Reid, Kevin V Thomas
Simulating water quality and ecological status of Lake Vansjø, Norway, under land-use and climate change by linking process-oriented models with a Bayesian network
Raoul-Marie Couture, S. Jannicke Moe, Yan Lin, Øyvind Kaste, Sigrid Haande, Anne Lyche Solheim
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish from remote and high mountain lakes in Europe and Greenland
Ingrid Vives, Joan O. Grimalt, P Fernandez, Bjørn Olav Rosseland
Diurnal variations in the occurrence and the fate of hormones and antibiotics in activated sludge wastewater treatment in Oslo, Norway
Benedek Plosz, Henriette Leknes, Helge Liltved, Kevin V Thomas
Application and validation of FLEMOcs - a flood-loss estimation model for the commercial sector
Isabel Seifert, Heidi Kreibich, Bruno Merz, Annegret H. Thieken
Development of FLEMOcs - a new model for the estimation of flood losses in the commercial sector
Heidi Kreibich, Isabel Seifert, Bruno Merz, Annegret H. Thieken
Highly Productive Ice Algal Mats in Arctic Melt Ponds: Primary Production and Carbon Turnover
Kasper Hancke, Svein Kristiansen, Chresten Lund-Hansen
What Are Lake Beaches Made of? An Assessment of Plastic Beach Litter on the Shores of Como Bay (Italy)
Arianna Bellasi, Gilberto Binda, Ginevra Boldrocchi, Andrea Pozzi, Roberta Bettinetti
Dioxins, PCBs, chlorinated pesticides and brominated flame retardants in free-range chicken eggs from peri-urban areas in Arusha, Tanzania: Levels and implications for human health
Anuschka Polder, Mette Helen Bjørge Müller, Ola Brønstad Brynhildsrud, Jacob de Boer, Timo Hamers, Jorke Harmen Kamstra
Using environmental monitoring data from apex predators for chemicals management: towards harmonised sampling and processing of archived wildlife samples to increase the regulatory uptake of monitoring data in chemicals management
Alexander Badry, Jaroslav Slobodnik, Nikiforos Alygizakis, Dirk Bunke, Alessandra Cincinelli, Daniela Claßen
Physical and chemical consequences of artificially deepened thermocline in a small humic lake - a paired whole-lake climate change experiment
Martin Forsius, Tuomo Mikael Saloranta, Laila Arvola, Simo Salo, Matti Verta, Pasi Ala-Opas