Viser 809 treff
Effect-Directed Analysis of Endrocrine Disruptors in Aquatic Ecosystems
Corine J. Houtman, Juliette Legler, Kevin V Thomas
PAIRWISE: Dispersal Of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria And Antibiotics In Water Ecosystems And How It Influences Livestock And Aquatic Wildlife
Anna Olsson, Peter Akoll, Jonas Bonnedahl, Stefan Börjesson, Walid Chmingui, Andy J. Green
Effect of terrestrial and aquatic dissolved organic matter on uptake of teflubenzuron in mussels and ascidians
Sabrina Schultze, Hilde K. Langva, Knudtzon Nina, Marios Chatzigeorgiou, Thomas Rundberget, Steven Brooks
Assembly mechanisms determining high species turnover in aquatic communities over regional and continental scales
Duarte S. Viana, J. Figuerola, K. Schwenk, M. Manca, Anders Hobæk, Marit Mjelde
Acknowledging natural variation in reference conditions for marine soft-bottoms
Hege Gundersen, Trine Bekkby, Karl Norling, Brage Rygg, Mats Gunnar Walday
Environment and biogeography drive aquatic plant and cladoceran species richness across Europe
Duarte S. Viana, Luis Santamaría, Klaus Schwenk, Marina Manca, Anders Hobæk, Marit Mjelde
Future climate impact on lakes in Fennoscandia: A dynamic mechanistic modelling approach
Koji Tominaga, Anders Gravbrøt Finstad, Øyvind Kaste, Tom Andersen
Potential conflicts between environmental legislation and conservation exemplified by aquatic macrophytes
Frauke Ecke, Seppo Hellsten, Marit Mjelde, Minna Kuoppala, Sabine Schlacke
Bioconcentration of the intense sweetener sucralose in a multitrophic battery of aquatic organisms
Adam David Lillicrap, Katherine Langford, Knut-Erik Tollefsen
Input of selected human pharmaceutical metabolites into the Norwegian aquatic environment
Katherine Langford, Kevin V Thomas
Bioavailability of pesticides in water-effects of adsorption to clay particles and aquatic humic substances
Torsten Källqvist, Gunnhild Riise
Precipitation experiments using small catchments in a montane heathland area in Southern Norway
Ståle Haaland, Kari Austnes, Jan Mulder, Gunnhild Riise, Live Semb Vestgarden, Øyvind Kaste
Pesticide risk indicator for terrestrial adult stages of aquatic insects
Peter Borgen Sørensen, Christian Kjær, Peter Wiberg-Larsen, Marianne Bruus, Beate Strandberg, Jes Jessen Rasmussen
Reactivity of DOM in coastal ecosystems – the Norwegian coast as a unique proof-of concept study site
Anne Deininger
Species committee for microalgae in the Norwegian Artsdatabanken
Bente Edvardsen, Wenche Eikrem
Determination of monomethyl mercury in Arctic aquatic systems
Hans Fredrik Veiteberg Braaten, Katrine Aspmo, Torunn Berg, Syverin Lierhagen, Anne Orderdalen Steen
Passive integrative samplers, relevant tools to improve regulatory monitoring of chemical quality of aquatic environments?
B. Mathon, A. Dabrin, Ian Allan, S. Lardy-Fontan, A. Togou, J.-P. Ghestem
Acidified or not? A comparison of Nordic systems for classification of physicochemical acidification status and suggestions toward a harmonised system. SLU, Vatten og miljö: Rapport 2021:1
Jens Fölster, Øyvind Aaberg Garmo, Peter Erich Carlson, Richard Johnson, Gaute Velle, Kari Austnes
Seasonal and long-term variations in seston elemental ratios in two time-series in the Norwegian Coastal Current
Helene Frigstad
Single and combined effects of ultraviolet radiation and metals on aquatic crustaceans
You Song, Fern Lyne, Gary S. Caldwell, Tony Clare, Li Xie, Knut Erik Tollefsen